Burnt Betrayal

Gino CarelliPromo

There’s a time in every family’s existence you have to make stock, go over the members that snuck in and see if they truly deserve to be apart of their ranks. Because even though you love and cherish them, in this world dead weight only brings you down and sometimes its better to cut the cancer before it spreads.

In an old life, in an old name, a fool believed he was invincible. That no one by his side would ever hurt him. He felt protected, felt like a king. A caesar in his own domain but the problem was the fool forgot what happened to men like Caesar.

And in the moment he needed his family the most, he felt the knife stuck inside. He felt it twist as Brutus stood looming above him, the forty pieces of silver dangling from his neck. The one person he never expected, the one person beyond his children or even his family that he trusted most.

Love is a fickle bitch after all, and once credits pass her calloused hands, her heart goes dark. And the gods they have credits to burn and people to destroy. A family that could’ve withstood the ages reduced to nothing because one man trusted the wrong person.

How quickly do you think this’ll happen to you Joshua? These people you care about so much, these fools who hang on your every word believing you’re their savior, one of many who didn’t put a fucking dent in Zeus’s steel ceiling. You claim to love them, that they’re the family you chose but people are fickle. One mistake, one misstep and they’ll eat you alive quicker then you can blink.

Conway, you think you’re the first man to promise Arcadians lost and helpless the world and not be able to deliver? Heroes like you dumbasses are a dime a dozen, thinking you can make a difference against the darkness Zeus and his little fuckboys cultivate but all it takes is one, one doubter. One hurting, one broken, one who believes you’re heading them down the wrong path and just like me, you’ll find that knife twisted deep.

I was this close to taking it all, this close to making Arcadia a God Free zone but when that fuckhead ratted us, all I had was Ares boot on my neck. Only reason I survived is cause someone else had the same idea. But Conway, you won’t be so lucky. You think your little priest friend is gonna stop with one restaurant? He gonna stop with one sinner? Nah, he’s gonna go to them all, one by one, inflict fear and pain until those people you love so dearly act like every wild hurting animal does and lash out.

Better learn your place Conway and be a self serving dickbag like the rest of us cause you keep playing hero without the skills to back it up, it won’t be God or the Devil who tears you asunder.

It’ll be the knife of hindsight, twisted by the demons you thought loved you back.