Family Portrait Part One

The Burned ManPromo, The Burned Man

We appear inside an unoccupied gallery, with portraits hanging all over the walls. On the closest painting to the camera, we can see the Burned Man and Destructo Boy as they first arrived in OSW. Slowly, the mummy himself approaches the portrait.

“Looking at this painting, you wouldn’t be able to tell that we were a disjointed father and son. At first glance, you’d presume that we were a pair of superheroes that happened to find their way into a wrestling federation.”

Maxwell sighs deeply.

“That couldn’t have been further from the truth. My wife was the glue that kept the family from imploding. When she died in that arson attack, a wedge had been driven between us. We didn’t communicate with each other and we couldn’t work together as a team when we should have.”

“The result was complete chaos. We were fighting with ourselves more than the villains we were supposed to be hunting down. Our disjointed relationship allowed them to get the better of us every time.”

TBM proceeds to walk over to the next portrait, which is of the Pool Boys. However, the former Blaze isn’t anywhere in sight in the portrait.

“I wasn’t good enough. He needed someone that would give him order and a directive, and with the way I was before, I couldn’t do that.”

A short pause to look at the picture with disdain.

“His first mission under his new father’s command? To convert me into the perfect soldier. One that would help Doom assert further control over OSW while also searching for the one that turned me into the monster I had become.”

He scoffs before moving towards the next painting, one that shows Maxwell and James as they are currently.

“But he wasn’t aware that chaos is what we thrived in. In his need to meticulously plan everything, he didn’t know that James is a kid who thrives in chaos and I was a man who sought to create it after my dip into the pool. That’s exactly what I did when I burned down his lab.”

Maxwell looks behind him and towards his son, who had been following him silently this whole time. With a nod, the younger man heads back towards the first painting.

“You see chaos as a weakness, don’t you Doom? It’s a variable that you deem as unreliable and random. However, that same variable saw your lab being destroyed because you tried to control our every move. The more you attempt to control every last detail in your life, the more things will go wrong. When they do, you aren’t able to adjust to the new course in time.”

“Me and James, on the other hand, thrive because we’re able to adapt and adjust to the changes in our lives. We’re as unpredictable as fire. alone, we can be managed. But together, we combine into a dangerous inferno that can’t be stopped.”

Maxwell proceeds to walk back to where his son is.

“And at Locked and Loaded, you and Six Feet Under will find that out for yourselves.”

We then pan over to Destructo Boy.