Father of Lies

Old Nick MorningstarPromo

[The tick of a clock, the beat of a heart. Old Nick Morningstar sits facing the camera, hands steepled.]

“There’s a million ways you can make a man pay his debts. Through coin, through contract, or through flesh. Time has a way of running its course, as it does, but paid the debts will be.”

[A beat.]

“I’ve seen men flee for miles.. for years. And for what? Ultimately the end arrives for them all. Burning down a path that always ends up at the exact same destination..”

[A slight pause.]


[A smile breaks at the corners of his mouth.]

“You see, Hatchet, time and myself have a couple things in common. We are always stalking, creeping in at the corners of all waking moments. We will never cease to be, always a looming presence in your everyday life..

.. and we come for all men, in the end.”

[He shifts in his seat, his gaze never leaving the screen.]

“Yes, Hatchet, the chapter we will pen will be your final act. It will be a culmination of all your trials and all of your tribulations. I will lay your soul bare before all who _witness me_ and only then will you taste salvation.”

[A beat.]

“Apparently our circles overlap and the sway you think you hold over others is a facade. By fear or force you think you hold dominion over other men. The power you think you hold is waning as other opportunities arise for those you keep close. Keep your friends _close_, yeah?”

[A grin, slanted eyebrows.]

“Sometimes Hatchet, we have people come into our lives by proxy who can turn everything upside down. Sometimes, those around you will bend to your will, coming ever close to breaking, all the while a grudge.. a black, thick, creeping grudge begins to creep in and poison all that you’ve built. Like a cancer, the influence of others takes hold and sickens all you hold dear.”

[He sighs.]

“Beware those you call close, Hatchet. Keep a close eye on all those around you who have had to try and thrive under your rule. Have you been fair? Have you put your trust in these individuals you keep near? Like a sickness it shall spread.”

[A black flash in his eyes, a shift in demeanor.]

“Heed my warning; all is not that it appears. The path to your salvation lies through _me_. I often wonder about the character of men.. is he pure and true? Do you realize where loyalties truly lie? The hearts of men are so easily exploited, so easily swayed. And so I leave you with a gift..”

[He runs a jeweled hand through his black mane.]

“The gift of the foresight of a sage, the ramblings of a madman.. when our paths finally do cross, keep your confidence steadfast and pay no mind to those tricks your mind may be playing. You’ve made a call to something greater than yourself..”

[A wide smile breaks.]

“And when you speak of the Devil, he _will_ appear.”

[Static. End transmission.]