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My Gratitude

As America goes through the process of understanding the election results today, I've been thinking a lot about OSW to take my mind off a couple issues that concern me. I didn't need to realize it, but it drove home just how important Old School Wrestling is as a place that takes my mind away from the difficulties of life that often cause anxiety or stress. I'm not sure at this point in my life, especially with no wife or kids and being a relative lone wolf, or bachelor as you might call it, just what I'd be doing if I didn't have this.

I just wanted to send my gratitude to Dean and the crew for everything they do. This amazing website, the amazing graphics and the amazing shows are never-ending and always reliable. I can only dream of how much work you all do to entertain the rest of us and yourselves, and frankly I couldn't be anymore grateful for it.

By the way, The Lost Tapes was fucking incredible. I went back and watched it and it was just amazing. Those Muppets are so fucking cool, man. So cool.

Lots of love.


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