Glass Slipper

In Promo by Nox

My caregiver in the orphanage used to read to all of us before bed.  A story that stuck out was about a pretty lady with a fairy godmother waving a magic wand and giving her a beautiful dress and gorgeous glass slippers.  This woman went to a ball on a time limit, and as soon as the clock struck midnight her dress would revert to rags.  She was forced to rush out leaving behind a single glass slipper and a prince smitten with her beauty. 

The next day the prince seeks out the woman who fits the shoe.  Running into her three ugly stepsisters who attempted to fit into the shoe but their feet were too big so persuaded by their mother they each cutoff their heels to fit the slipper and down the line, each of these desperate women did so.  However, the animals are attracted to the blood pooling around their heels every time.  It draws the Prince and his court’s attention to their attempt to cheat the system.  The prince after returning each of them individually called for the maiden known only to her Stepmother and Sisters as the kitchen wench whose foot fit perfectly in the glass slipper so the prince whisked the beauty whose foot truly fit.  While the evil stepsisters tried to ingratiate themselves for the maiden’s good fortune.  In their attempt to bury the truth, they had their eyes pecked out by the birds and were left blind. 

Gemini, I tell this story because much like those sisters you’ve cut parts of who and what you were off.  Much like those sisters three separate parts to be exact.  Their names are John, Grimskull, and Drewitt.  They all now sit locked away either starved or perpetually starving to death in a chamber in the bowels of No Man’s Land.  You’ve buried the truth, over and over again whether you care to admit it to yourself or not, their blood is on your hands.  All the while stepmother Narcissa tells you to forget keep cutting more of yourself off, push those memories down deep, and don’t let them surface. 

Well, lil’ miss two face, I am the consequences of your actions.  All you need to do is breathe it in and you’ll get your penance for your part in their machinations.  You will be blinded by your own hubris.  Because it’s always been those like you who affiliate with the House of Judgment who’ve been pushed to the front of the line, encouraged to be the bell of the ball. 

While I slaved away making every serum that was asked of me and every concoction that Narcy required while you’ve gotten off easily recently.  I’ve been the kitchen wench far too long and it’s time that I show everyone that I’m the true belle of this ball and show you I’m the one the glass slipper fits by all measurements down to the micrometer.  After this week you’ll just be returned to the ugly stepsister you once were left blinded by your evils.