The backdrop of a brightly painted sunshine in the sky. A group of children are greeted by a man wearing a yellow three-piece suit as bright as the painted sunshine behind him.
“Well hello, my little Sunbeams!”
He greets the children with the largest smile Arcadia has ever seen, radiating from every pore of his body. The children leap to their feet, chanting in unison back at him.
“Hi Mister Sunshine!”
Mr Sunshine waves at the children.
“It’s so nice seeing my little Sunbeams looking so happy. When you smile, you spread a little sunshine.” He pauses for a moment. “But not everybody we meet is as happy as our little Sunshine Club.”
He walks around the group of children as he speaks.
“Some are sad because they’ve lost their friend, because a bad man has taken him. Some are down on their luck, but trying to find their sunshine in all the wrong places. Some are trying to find out who they really are.” Mr Sunshine pauses for a moment. “Then, some feel like they’ve been oppressed and fight to Uprise against the corruption and injustices of society.”
The kids look a little confused but Mr. Sunshine carries on, finding a lonely boy sitting aside from the rest of the group.
“But a little Sunshine can brighten the darkest day.”
He kneels down next to the boy.
“What’s wrong, Billy?” He says to the angry looking boy in a sing-song voice. “Did you exact your revenge on somebody who wronged you by burning down their dojo, in the hopes of killing them?”
The children, including the angry boy, stare blinkingly dumbfounded. Mr Sunshine coughs quietly.
“No?” Winking, he kneels down next to the boy. “Good, because that would be very bad.”
He stands, bursting into another large grin.
“And Sunbeams, what do we always say when somebody feels bad?”
The children all shout in unison.
“Do you need a hug?”
Mister Sunshine nods enthusiastically. The kids close in for a big group hug.
“When we’re feeling down, or blue.
There’s one sure fix, one thing to do.
A hug will wash away your tears,
No more worries, no more fears.”
The children sit back down, listening to his every word.
“You see, my little Sunbeams, hugging releases a super-wonderful chemical into our bodies called oxytocin. It’s nicknamed the love chemical.”
He stoops down and opens his arms to the angry looking boy.
“There’s plenty Arcadians that need a big hug. A little sunshine will make brighter every day.”
The boy obliges, reluctantly at first, before sinking into the embrace.
“There. See Billy. There’s nothing a hug won’t fix.”
He stands, the boy now visibly happier.
“It’s time for the sun to shine, Sunbeams. Twenty little lambs from all over Arcadia are in desperate need for a little Sunshine. ” He beams another great smile. “The angry, the sad, the monsters of Arcadia. There is nobody that the sun can’t shine on.”
“I’ll hug them all, because a hug makes everything better. And Arcadia deserves a hug.” Beaming smile. “That’s how we spread a little Sunshine.”