Pitter Patter


[Ring.. Ring..] [A young woman with big hair, daisy dukes and a flannel top slaps the telephone before answering it.]

“Dirty Dary, how are ya now?”

“Damnit Jayne, you know I hate that name.”

[She gives a smirk to herself and leans against the wall.]

“What can I do ya for, Daryl?”

“Boy, have I got quite the opportunity for you.”

[The thought intrigues Jayne.]

“Pitter patter, Dary. Go on then.”

“Well, I was down there at Sticky Pete’s havin’ a beer with the boys and relivin’ the past and all, yanno? And of course, as every conversation seems to does in an Arcadian bar, the conversation turned to the glory days of your daddy, Wayne.”

“Yeah, that sounds about right.”

“But after I has a few beers in me, yanno, I got to talking you up. Tellin’ the boys how you’re a spittin’ image of your daddy and all, and how you share more than just a name with him.”

[Jayne grows impatient and interrupts.]

“Goddamnit, Dary.. spit it on out why don’t ya? You’re ramblin’, boy.”

“Sorry, yanno I do this when I get excited. Anyway, I got to tellin’ ’em how with Wayne gone now and all how you was probably the Toughest Chick in Arcadia and some guy in a suit overheard me.”

“He says that if you can prove me right, there might be a big opportunity in it for you. One fight. If you win, you’re given entry into Old School Wrestling’s big upcoming event.”

“This could be your way in, Jayne.”

“You could finally continue the legacy your daddy left behind.”

[Jayne pushes off the wall, eager to hear more.]

“Yeah? One fight, huh? Well, just how big of’a boy are they?”

[The other side of the phone is silent for a moment.]


“Well, boys. There’s a few of them. But nothin’ the daughter of Wayne D. Mercer can’t handle, right?”

[Jayne reaches into her flannel pocket and pulls a cigarette from the pack, lighting it up as she mulls it over.]

“Okay, when?”

“Now, I’m pulling up.”

[Jayne gives a chuckle.]

“Well, say less, cub scout.”

“So what are ya gonna do, Jayney?”

“Quite simple, my dear Dary.”

“It’s time to make daddy proud.”

[She takes a large drag from the cigarette.]

“You know the deal, end of the laneway and no further.”

[She slams the phone down and hangs up before reaching up to give her hair a little bit of a readjustment.] [Another long drag from the cigarette sends Jayne on her way out the door and down the laneway.]

“Dary! Buddy! How the hell are yaaaa?”

[She throws her hands up as if to embrace Daryl in a hug.]

“It was so nice of you to lead these lambs to the slaughter!!!”

[WHAM!] [In the blink of an eye, Jayne pivots and decks the first strange face she sees.] [As the big men brought by Daryl start to surround her, she grabs another by the shoulders and pulls him in for a headbutt to the nose!] [Fade.]