Deep within the Bayou, you spot Calypso looking over the remains of an abandoned hut. She looks at it with a knowing smile before turning over to you, keeping the expression glued on her face.
Tande you plak, mon chè. Do you know what happened to the moun living in this dwelling? They were a young alchemist trying to create a healing posyon for a loved one.
She chuckles, recalling what happened in the past.
Their mother was deathly ill and they weren’t ready to let her pass just yet. Determined to cure her, they brought their equipment to her home, small cauldron and all, before creating their posyon.
The Voodoo Child shakes her head, barely able to contain herself from laughing again.
The pwoblèm? One of the ingredients needed to create said posyon was a plant that made a smoky, toxic fume once boiled. Had they known to brew it outside, they might’ve been fine so long as it wasn’t inhaled.
Alas, the alchemist was in too much of a panic to remember this. As a result, they filled the house with the pwazon gas, killing them and their sick mother within a matter of seconds.
She laughs once more, much to your disgust. Calypso notices this and drops her smile for a very stern look.
Maybe you didn’t find the story humorous, but I do. The child was a fou that didn’t realize playing with forces beyond their understanding would lead to their downfall. Their mother was one as well for being unaware of what their little alchemist was doing until it was too late.
I have no pitye for idyos. People like them should be wiped from Arcadia, with a staunch reminder like this hut to remind people not to follow in their footsteps.
A smirk returns to her face.
You are one such idyo, Destructo Boy. Unlike the tale of the alchemist, you didn’t directly cause the death of your mother. However, you did aide in it with your fascination with chemicals and other things that you didn’t understand. All you knew is that they made flames, and you liked looking at them.
The Voodoo Child chuckles once again.
You were a fou for keeping them around, despite your parent’s requests to throw them out. Due to your insolence, the Corporation were able to set your home ablaze far easier than they would normally.
It’s thanks to you that your mother died. You are nothing more than an idyo koukouy that should’ve burned alongside her, yet you stand before me like you’re a credible threat.
Her smirk fades as she rolls her eyes.
You’ve got a fire in you, mon koukouy, but fire means nothing when you’re drowning in the waters of the Bayou. No posyon of fire will save you from being extinguished, leaving your body as an eternal reminder of the failure of a hero you were.
You might shine to destruction, James, but I shine to something else… your soul!
She walks away from the dilapidated hut, leaving you alone with it.