The Empress

CalypsoCalypso, Promo

While walking the street of Agora, you stumble upon a small tent that houses Calypso, who is shuffling a deck of cards.

Bonswa. Have a seat, silvouplè.

Uneasily, you step inside and have a seat on an ornate chair presented in front of you.

Allow me to draw a tarot card from my deck. When I do, I’ll be able to read your fortune and predict your future.

You nod. She smirks as she proceeds to lay a single card down. It is of the Empress, but inverted.

The Empress. When upright, this card represents caring, motherhood. Leadership of the family.

But it is upside down, isn’t it? That means the card no longer represents power or nurturing. Quite the opposite, in fact. It now represents the inability to succeed in one’s own goals by themselves.

Upright, it is a pillar holding up a home. Inverted, it is an aged floorboard waiting to give way without proper support. No matter how strong it appears, it is nothing without those that worked tirelessly to give it strength.

A leader that’s seen as weak will fall in the line of battle. Take them out, and the rest of the army follows suit.

You tilt your head in confusion. This doesn’t sound like you at all.

M’regrèt. This isn’t your fortune. This is Narcissa’s.

She presented herself as a strong and powerful leader that was capable of taking down Zeus’s regime. However, much like the reversed Empress, she relied heavily on others to elevate her to that level.

She first used her Uprising to get her World Championship from Harold Attano. If it hadn’t been for them, she would’ve been exposed as the pathetic little girl she really is at Pandemonium.

Once they were no longer of use to her, she proceeded to latch onto the Baron himself for support. Together, they created Hydra, which they claim is the most dominant stable in OSW.

However, we at Six Feet Under know the truth. She’s so helpless, so dependent on others, she couldn’t hold onto the championship. Even when her husband lured Tombstone away from the match, she still couldn’t retain her title.

That doesn’t sound like a person that belongs to one of the most dominant stables known in Arcadia. To me, it sounds like someone that should be discarded like the zèvlèt she once was.

Calypso smiles as she waves her hands, causing the card to levitate in front of your face.

This fortune reading was to show you who you really are, Narcissa. I’ve tormented you this past month because I know just how weak you are behind that beautiful exterior.

You’re going to fall from grace once more. You’re going to drop to your knees and beg for mercy when Zeus realizes that with no ability of your own, you’re just a worthless figurehead that should’ve been executed all those days ago.

I only shine to one thing, Narcissa. Your soul. And in that cage, I will be the cause of your ultimate demise.

You proceed to leave the tent.