The Lamb, Grown.

Colt RamseyPromo

What makes a lamb, my brethren?

We have heard stories told of the care with which we are to take toward such creatures, but let us understand the reason why. Such knowledge can be quite useful, when we are called upon to use it.

A young beast, not long after it’s been brought into our sweet Arcadia, the lamb is beloved and coddled as its parent fosters it to full health and growth. Perhaps the most telling sign of a lamb, however, is its lack of teeth.

The creature needs this level of care because it cannot fend for itself, not even able to bite into its food for sustenance. It’s why a lamb can be so easily damaged if not cared for properly.

Brothers and sisters, I stand before you a man once treated with similar concern. I was raised to believe that I could do so little to help myself, coddled into thinking I was unable to properly digest the truth being fed to me.

Like a child, I was fooled into seeing myself as the victim of my circumstances. Fed mistruths about Arcadia, nurtured like a lamb being led to its slaughter by those who would take advantage.

But I tell you the truth, brethren…I am a lamb no more. My teeth have grown in, by the providence of Zion himself…and I am quite capable of sinking them into those who seek my destruction.

Any weapon formed against me shall not prosper, for Zion has equipped me with the necessary bite to send our enemies running with their tail tucked firmly between their legs.

I see before me the opportunity to shift the momentum of this great war against us, brothers and sisters…and we shall be persecuted no longer.

In the midst of so many seeking a new era of Arcadia, it will be the Church that prevails. The only uprising there will be is our hands, brethren, as we give glory to Zion. The only revelation will be Zion’s return, ushered in by his people.

And if there be any doubt to our resolve, your humble Acolyte will be the one to lift your spirits as I guide the way to the promised land…to victory, for the sake of Zion.

Once before have I had my eyes on the prize, but my pride made me tumble at the finish line…the failure of a lamb, unable to fend for himself among the treacherous beasts of Olympus.

Let the enemies of Zion come to me, brothers and sisters. Let them learn the folly of trifling with our mission…and they will feel my teeth sinking in.

It is they who will be led to slaughter…a worthy and noble sacrifice to Zion as your humble Acolyte accepts his calling and the prize that comes with it.

For it is an honor that Zion would only press upon his chosen, brethren…and with his blessing and the Reverend’s anointing, it is a calling I accept. Zion’s name be praised, forever and ever.