The Rosary Pea

In Calypso, Promo by Calypso

You spot Calypso inside a garden deep within the Bayou. You recognize a large quantity of poisonous plants and herbs growing within it, such as Nightshade, Hemlock, and Foxglove. The Voodoo Child notices you as she’s in the middle of picking some of these plants, shooting a smile in your direction.

They say my jaden is the deadliest in all of Arcadia, chile. That my soil bares the fruits of the most poisonous plants nature has to offer.

She walks over to one of the many plants in her garden and gestures towards it.

Pa ekzanp, take a look at the Rosary Pea. These ladybug looking seeds are often used for jewelry, since they’re brightly colored and attractive to the moun’s eye.

However, should an uninformed chile consume these seeds, then the pwazon contained within will spread throughout the body. It causes a multitude of symptoms ranging from dehydration and seizures. Within days, it will cause organ failure that will result in the slow and painful death of the person that ingested them.

The Voodoo Child proceeds to pluck a couple of these before putting them in a basket.

Most mounsĀ are unaware of this plant’s deadly toxins. They just see the bright red exterior of the pods and assume they’d make a lovely accessory.

While it is an attractive and enticing thing, these Peas shouldn’t be worn or consumed. Loving them that much could make a moun go blind.

She chuckles.

Gemini had found this out the hard way, didn’t she Muerte? After all, you had a bright and colorful exterior to her when she first recovered from her pestilence. She didn’t know about your toxic interior that resulted in the death of your previous love.

Once Vida became enamored with you, ingesting your pwazon with a kiss, she had signed her death warrant. The toxins acted slowly, playing out her death like an opera that only ends when you join in for the final number.

But you refused to play it for the longest time. You instead drew out her death by adding on to her symptoms and elongating them as much as possible.

She smiles while shaking her head and tutting.

It was only until Red Snow that the slow, singing death finally graced her, much like it will grace Gemini. Whether you decide to draw it out like you did with your first love or not remains to be seen, but we know that you’ll eventually have to bring about her demise sooner than later.

Calypso’s smile drops.

Everyone you loved will die thanks to the pwazon within, Muerte. It follows you, making loving you an impossible task. When the mouns you care for are all gone, you will die a slow, singing death that I have long since brewed thanks to the fruits of my jaden.

If you want, I can accelerate it with a pwazon of my own. It won’t be slow, but it will prevent any more of your lovers from sharing your fate.

Black Magic turns away from you.

I shine to only one thing, Muerte. Not your pwazon, but your soul.

You proceed to leave.