Backstage after Uprising, a man sits, he’s not Harold Attano or Mr. Nobody. He’s a pissed grief-stricken father who’s just had had an image of his deceased daughter exposed to the whole of Arcadia. Tears stream down his cheeks as he shakes with rage.
“So, this was your plan Jackson, your grand design? Fine, I see it for what it is, the Last Gasp of a Dying man. Because it’s flawed, it can’t be executed, and you know it.”
“Your plan started to fall apart weeks ago, but you committed to it so heavily you just couldn’t stop yourself from following through. You may win these trivial battles in the ring but at the end of it all, everyone has already seen your blueprint fail…”
“Just like Narcissa’s design for a new Arcadia. I knew it was going to fail just like I know yours is going to fail. That’s right, I may be a man consumed by my emotions right now, but I haven’t forgotten about you Narcy.”
“You’re a planner yourself, too. The ultimate designer, first fashion, then marriage to Zeus, and then all of Arcadia.”
“So, you look at me when I speak, Hera you bitch, I blame you just as much for this. Because if you don’t kidnap Zeus in a feeble attempt to execute your grand design, then that asshole with a badge, and zero commonsense has no predication to start this.”
“Narcissa, Hera, whatever the hell you want to be called, you were the tipping point. Nearly every plan you’ve ever had was doomed to failure. You married Zeus and your design there was to what? Change him, soften his soul by having a child? How did that end, oh yeah in divorce.”
“You come up with this fantasy of destroying him and taking the levers of power for yourself and a Titan of a man tore that shit to shreds this past weekend.”
“You had one success, and that was as a fashion designer. But let’s you and I get one thing perfectly clear, not one stitch of any design you’ve ever thought up has been able to touch Nobody.”
“Hera, you’re no different than any other scumbag I’ve audited from the face of Arcadia because Death, not the Doctor, has a grand design too, and aside from Tombstone, Nobody knows it better.”
“Because when you and Zeus tied the knot and you said, ‘until death do you part’ well neither one of you thought Death’s architecture would have it happen years after your divorce. But as you gasp for breath and I whisper in your ear, reminding you every moment of your fleeting life, ‘this is for my little girl’. Nobody will remember you were the tipping point which created a moment that you would choke on for the rest of your life.”
The Father stifles a sob, as he wipes away the wetness from his face and as he does so the visage of Mr. Nobody returns but what remains is the rage.