Who is the true monster?

Victor DoomPromo

The camera fades in as we find ourselves in a vibrant field. Families playing with their children, children playing amongst themselves and on a park bench nearby, a very familiar large figure sitting and watching. Thick, lucious blonde locks flow from underneath a baseball cap alongside large, heavy sunglasses and a hoodie pulled up around his neck but it’s unmistakably Victor Doom.

There’s not a lot to do in the darkness, locked away beyond hope where the only interaction was the briefest flashes of light tossing inside the meagre sustenance that allowed me to live one more day. All you’re left with is your thoughts, your fears and the voice of a empty souled bastard who threw you away like garbage. 

Your last words forever ringing in my ears, the failure that thought he was human. And the funny thing is, after so long wrapped inside that black, my humanity was falling away. My empathy, my curiosity, my kindness, my very soul was eroding away as I became the monster you desired, the very reflection of the evil bastard you are inside. A few years more and you would’ve gotten everything you ever wanted.

And then you sent her.

A beautiful blonde walks into view, her handsome tall husband beside her as they both hold the hand of their young son. 

It was simple at first, a voice in the silence. A figure that flickered a tiny essence of light but soon she became the highlight of my existence. Telling me tales of grace and hope, being a soundboard for my frustrations and sorrow, giving me a reason to open up my eyes every single day. I knew she was too good to be true, that you had sent her somehow in some sick and twisted game you wanted to play but I let myself belief in the fairytale, that someone saw me as anything other then just the thing you created.

The couple briefly turn into an image of Dahlia and Victor, both truly happy as they hold their son. A single tear runs down Victor’s cheek as he struggles to speak.

And then you killed her.

A gust of wind blows through, taking away the baseball cap and the wig, revealing Victor’s scarred and decayed looking flesh underneath.

And then you took her away from me all because you could. All because the great Stubbins Doom wanted to play god and refused to deal with the consequences. 

Victor stands up, the hoodie brushing back revealing his bolts as everyone in the park stops still in fright, terrified at what the monster will do next.

I know in two days time, I die. I know you will erase my existence but before I perish, I will break that mask and show the world the truth. There’s no escaping what you did, and I will make sure your actions forever haunt you.

At Ring of Dreams, I will rip and tear away the facade and show the world the true Stubbins Doom. And then father..

We’ll see who the true monster is afterall.

Victor moves towards the terrified crowd just as the camera fades to black on the screams.