
Colt RamseyPromo

Brethren, let me tell you about a simpler time in life. Think back to your childhood for a moment, a trip through the amusement district of Arcadia that takes you to the merry-go-round. After being placed upon the seat of the imitation steed, the ride began its journey…sending those within on the ride of a lifetime.

Round and round you go, watching the scene outside become nothing more than a blur as the steeds would bob up and down at a quickening pace. At the behest of the operator, a wonderful machine dispenses a ring. As the ride continues to spin, all the children reach out to take a chance on grabbing the prize that awaits them.

Very few of these children will manage to retrieve a ring, believers, walking away with something to be proud of. Those children pat themselves on the back until they have to return the ring to the operator…and they receive nothing in return. That swell of joy quickly turns to shame, realizing the honor was a fruitless endeavor.

One lucky child turns in their brass ring, however, receiving a nice prize from the operator for their stroke of luck and good aim. The top honor of those in attendance, this child walked away with the biggest smile as they leave the carousel behind.

We have all been on this grand merry-go-round, brethren, with our beloved Zion sending us on the wonderful journey…all the while, pointing our eyes to the prize that awaits.

As the rings begin to be dispensed, we all reach out in the hopes of retrieving one…but not all of us are so lucky. Some will manage to finally grab a ring, satisfied with doing just enough to pat ourselves on the back until we find out the truth…that our efforts were all for naught.

Jackson Cade, you have retrieved such a prize in the past, thinking you were one step closer to finally putting Jasper Redgrave to justice…but now, he holds dominion over your own flesh and blood. The ring you grabbed slips through your fingers, forcing you to your knees when you realize CJ Thorpe would choose to stand alongside your greatest foe.

Narcissa Balenciaga, you stand there holding the prize of the Double Feature Championship…but it just isn’t enough for you, is it? Your status as champion has not brought you the goal you truly seek…complete and utter control of Arcadia. That prize slips through your fingers, forcing you to realize that your little Uprising is slowly falling apart.

Only one of us can reach the brass ring, believers…and it will be Colt Ramsey. For your faithful servant has been blessed with the good aim–and, to some, pure dumb luck–to grab the highest honor. For this Acolyte, the prize of Double Feature Championship is not some foolish trinket…it is proof that Zion’s arrival is imminent.

Brothers and sisters, I will bring such honor to our great Church. It’s what Zion would want…and what Zion wants, Zion gets.