“Inmates of The Asylum”
Season Three
January 25th 2016 – July 25th 2016
26 Episode Season
Ring of Dreams II finale.
Synopsis: A deranged Doctor opens his Asylum to dominate OSW. New heroes rise up to challenge the status quo.
Season Three begins with an ultimatum. The OSW faithful had put down the RAGE Revolution. Erroll Flint gives the RAGE leaders a chance to earn their OSW contract and stick around. This sees Ethan Bird and Lux Bellator survive but Lee Crowley and Jake Jeckel get fired after suffering losses.
Vinnie Lane and Gator run their campaign to try and get Ash William’s ‘BOOMSTICK’ banned. Vinnie Lane swears revenge on Ash Williams after Gator dies. We also see debuts from Phoebe Outlaw and Evan Jackson.
Mike Lane tangles with The Awakening after trying to sever ties with them. He kidnaps Red River Jack’s mother, then drives Red River Jack away in an ambulance. We watch the ambulance speed off and crash into oncoming traffic. Mike Lane surfaces but Red River Jack is presumed dead.
Mike Lane is later released from hospital, only his Police Escort turns out to be the Awakening. Red River Jack is alive, and he has Mike Lane. The following week, Mike Lane appears to be back under the influence of Red River Jack. The Awakening help Mike Lane to a victory over Ozric Mortimer. When Red River Jack demands that Lane surrenders to him, Mike Shadow Kicks his way through The Awakening, dropping all three men.
Corey Black, Ozric Mortimer and Ethan Bird form ‘The Flock’ and send a message to the Scarecrow after Scarecrow demolished Bird the previous week. In an All-Star Championship feud, we see Ozric Mortimer score a title shot against James Hunter as part of Brandon Garcia’s contractually-obligated rematch. But he cuts ties with Brandon Garcia, after reading damning evidence against Garcia that had been contained an envelope from James Hunter, his eyes only on the title.
A fired Jake Jeckel threatens Bruce Van Chan that if he doesn’t get Jake’s job back and a title shot then bad things will happen to his wife. Things take a sadistic turn when Jeckel mails Bruce his wife’s severed finger.
Showcase #13 marked the One Year Anniversary of OSW. This sees Jackson Slade announcing his match against Erroll Flint at Danger Zone is now a tag match. The end of the Anniversary show sees Isaiah Black save Mike Lane from a Desmond Cross and Red River Jack.
At Danger Zone, Jackson Slade reveals that he has been working with Freight Train Ferguson all along. FTF attacks Erroll Flint much to everybody’s surprise, then puts him away in a surprise change to the scheduled match. Slade announces himself as OSW’s newest manager and Freight Train Ferguson his newest client.
We also see Lux sever ties with Father Pedro after The Dead’s mindgames cause him to see he has been led astray.
A brutal match sees Bruce Van Chan retain his title, knock Jake Jeckel out and get his wife back! Only… He finds out that Paige has been brainwashed by Jeckel, introducing herself as Jacqueline Jeckel.
Also, Axel the Shark reveals his biggest secret before Anonymous can, in the process revealing the inspiration behind his name ‘Axel’. We also see a man called Vane arrive, a fixer. A man sworn to reveal the truth behind who ran Erroll Flint down.
As Danger Zone comes to a close, we see Mike Lane retaining his title. Brent Kersh comes out to congratulate Mike and officially challenge him for the title. He offers a handshake but Mike Lane Shadowkicks him in acceptance of the challenge.
The following week, we see Vane the Fixer reveals his investigations have shown Ethan Bird was lying about his involvement with Red Snow – Bird is fired. Somebody else was responsible. Vane also reveals that Slade is bankrupt. He’s going to find out who Slade paid $20k to into an off-shore bank account.
We also see Corey Black still struggling with visions of his little sister. Lux Bellator tries to apologise for his actions under the tutelage of Father Pedro but is challenged by Marvolo.
Bruce Van Chan is hell-bent on saving his wife from Jake Jeckel, who tries to cut her open with a knife before Bruce can step in. ‘Jacqueline’ doesn’t want anything to do with Bruce though and leaves with Jake.
We see Invasion Qualifying matches – Phoebe Outlaw, LH Harrison, Jake Jeckel, Alex Reese, Corey Black and Bruce Van Chan qualify.
It’s a night of mindgames. We also see Vinnie Lane messing with Ash Williams head by bringing a girl to a hot-tub in Ash’s locker room that looks just like an old, dead girlfriend of Ash’s. Dr D’Ville messes with Axel the Shark by giving him a vision of Axel beating James Hunter. Somebody tries to run over Vane but the Fixer gets the license plate.
After Vinnie Lane’s mindgames mess with Ash, he lays waste to a countless number of people, thinking he’s destroying Deadites… But he lays out his partner Matthew Cories in the process.
Vane’s investigation continues, finding out that the car was registered to Mike Lane. He needs to gather more intel before approaching Flint.
Ozric Mortimer finds Scarecrow out in the Cornfield, telling him his time has come. He’s after Scarecrow’s title. In another quest for gold, High $ociety, Power of Positivity and Those 90s Guys tango in a three way tag war – High $ociety tried to stack the decks and not defend their titles at RetroActive, but Vane cut their plans short.
Leading into RetroActive, Brent Kersh tries to talk sense into Mike Lane after Lane spends weeks turning his back on the fans. We lead into the PPV with an attempted kidnapping of Jake Jeckel, only he beats a crew of henchmen off and walks away.
At RetroActive, a family’s support of Brent Kersh shows us a glimpse of Brent’s relationship with his kids (Trevor and Dani). Dani seems worried about him, and a shadowy figure watches from an alleyway unseen.
Phoebe Outlaw takes on Freight Train Fergusson and Jackson Slade makes her an offer to join the New School Wrestling Revolution. We also find out that Matthew Cories is not going to be showing up tonight, leaving Ash alone. Later, the nail is driven further as Vinnie Lane beats Ash to ban his Boomstick.
Marvolo wins the US Championship and celebrates by decking an office out in USA garb. We also find out that Corey Black is under Dr D’Ville’s control and he forces him to take out Doubt.
After Scarecrow defeats Ozric, he returns to his Cornfield to reveal a fresh perch. He claims that it will soon have a new soul to feast on.
Lux Bellator is defeated after a second, darker Lux makes his way to the ring. Father Pedro comes out and reveals the newcomer as Nox Bellator, Lux’s ‘brother’.
Mike Lane is accused by Vane who presents the evidence against him – that he ran down Erroll Flint and tried to run Vane himself down.
As RetroActive draws to a close, Bruce Van Chan nearly hits his wife with a steel chair when she jumps in front of Jeckel. But after their match, Paige comes to her senses and takes Jeckel out instead.
Mike Lane retains his title after Brent Kersh is distracted by CCTV footage reveals his daughter kissing an unidentified OSW Wrestler.
The following week, Brent Kersh begins seeking answers. Scarecrow’s next soul, Lee Crowley, reveals himself by killing Scarecrow’s victim before the Crow can. We see the debut of Bobby Neptune and return of King Konstantine.
Axel the Shark Qualifies for Invasion, and Power of Positivity challenge Axel to a friendly match to decide the first entrant.
Vinnie gets Ash committed to a mental hospital.
The show closes as Errol Flint attacks Mike Lane, thinking he ran him over. Vane reveals that it was actually James Hunter, who promptly comes out and announces he’s vacating his All Star Title to take a shot at the World Title.
High $ociety refuse to disband despite threats – Nigel Royal’s father is shown being brutally beaten. Errol Flint tries to fire James Hunter, who reveals that he has kidnapped Destiny. Security has to hold Mike Lane back.
Corey Black, Doubt and Marvolo clash – Doubt steals Marvolo’s US Championship.
The men who attacked Jake Jeckel return, revealing they have captured Jack Jeckel. Jake needs to play ball or his brother will get hurt.
Lux Bellator gets strapped to a cross by Anna Goodchild and Father Pedro and set on fire. He would return the next week to trap Nox and Anna Goodchild behind a wall of fire – challenging Goodchild to a Ring of Fire match. An elimination match for the vacated All-Star Championship – Bobby Neptune is crowned champ.
Before Invasion, we have Triosmania. Here, Death shows itself to Bruce Van Chan and announces its coming for him. Lee Crowley turns his back on the Crowley Family and rebrands himself as Smiley.
The show goes off air with a chilling welcome message from ‘The Asylum’. Doctor D’Ville, the newly rebranded Smiley, Doubt, Corey Black and Axel the Shark. All hell breaks loose!
Cue Invasion. Scarecrow gets his own back on Smiley, allowing the Crowley Family to beat down on Smiley, but this only serves to excite Smiley.
Brent Kersh has a heart to heart with Dani, but Phoebe Outlaw reveals that she is the one that Dani is seeing.
We see the effects of Doctor D’Ville’s ‘medicine’ on Corey Black, who becomes Creeping Death.
Matthew Cories returns looking like Dr Evil, slapping his former partner with a restraining order. The mystery man who has been trying to get hold of Jake Jeckel reveals that he’s planning on making Jake the mayor of Las Vegas.
Father Pedro and Nox assault Lux after his match, call upon the Archangel Raphael and Lux mysteriously vanishes.
Later, we see our first glimpse of Jim Jenkins.
Jake Jeckel wins Invasion, after Red River Jack returns to be revealed as the face of Death that had been stalking Bruce Van Chan.
Mike Lane squares off against James Hunter. Errol Flint turns up to referee but Lane knocks him out, not wanting him anywhere near the match. Lane later retains his title once more, despite Flint showing up anyway and trying to fast-count Lane to get Hunter to release his daughter. The show goes off the air showing a returning Pig escorting Destiny away to save her.
The following week, Errol Flint tries to explain his actions from Invasion but Lane isn’t having it. We start to see more of the Asylum flexing its muscle, with more of the patients of Doctor D’Ville in action. Matthew ‘Dr Evil’ Cories is too fargone for Ash to talk sense into, Doubt and Smiley are put in place of Dr. D’Ville and Death to take on POP for the tag titles. A massive match is announced between Pig, James Hunter, Scarecrow and whoever is the World Champion for Pandemonium that will unify the World and RAGE Championships.
The show closes as Errol Flint defeats Mike Lane to be crowned World Champion, with an assist from James Hunter.
The four way battle for the championship heats up. Mike Lane is pissed at Errol Flint but is taken out by Pig before he can get his hands on him. Luther and Flint announce the formation of the Mega Corporation, the new heads in charge.
After weeks of Lux Bellator being healed and returning unscathed, Nox and Father Pedro are convinced it is Lucifer healing him. They tie him up and toss him off a bridge. Lux seemingly is drowned.
High $ociety finally manage to take down their tormentor. Their security team needs payment but H$ discovers they’re broke. Marvolo gets into an argument with Jake Jeckel that ends up with Jeckel calling immigration to take Racquel away.
As we head toward Pandemonium, Errol Flint is forced to hand his title back to Lane – the network executives state it is a breach of contract. Scarecrow is forced to give his RAGE Championship up to Flint as well.
Bruce Van Chan gets his revenge on Red River Jack after pretending to be one of RRJ’s ‘Death’ henchmen.
Brent Kersh challenges Phoebe Outlaw to a match at Pandemonium to see if she is worthy of Dani – this pisses Outlaw off!
At Pandemonium II, we open to see Mike Lane and Errol Flint burying the hatchet, at the request of Destiny.
Smiley and Doubt retain their championships and the pair team up with LH Harrison to beat up Alex Reese. They welcome LH Harrison into the Asylum as Hysteria. Gavin Davis tries to appeal to Axel the Shark by bringing a busload of children to ringside in order to stop The Shark feasting on Vinnie Lane. But The Shark responds by beating up Gavin Davis as well.
High $ociety had been forced into a match against each other but refuse to fight. However, Royal then turns on Max Million, revealing he was behind everything and burying him alive.
Lux Bellator tells Father Pedro that he has to save Nox as well and baptise Nox like they baptised him.
Brent Kersh gives his blessing to Dani and Phoebe Outlaw.
Errol Flint turns on Mike Lane again, teaming with James Hunter of all people.
Bruce Van Chan is crowned the Pandemonium winner!
In the fallout from Pandemonium, Errol Flint reveals that the whole plan was to screw Lane from the start. We also see detectives investigating Doctor D’Ville – they’re planning on bringing in Hysteria as he’s the closest link to the doctor. But one of the detectives cannot bring him in, he’s too close to the case.
Pedro and Lux Bellator try to baptise Nox Bellator, but he escapes and tells them that they’ll pay for trying to derail his mission.
As Dani Kersh’s 21st birthday is ready to begin, the room is trashed, Dani is kidnapped and the word ‘sinner’ is tagged on the wall.
The following week, we find out that Bruce Van Chan’s wife Paige was pregnant but lost the baby due to her attack last week. Red River Jack knew about the pregnancy.
Two men kidnap Bobby Neptune and tag ‘sinner’ on the All-Star Championship.
Lux Bellator plays Father Pedro and Nox in order to get close enough to de-mask Nox. The following week, Nox challenges Lux to a mask vs mask match at Heavy Metal.
At the end of the night, Mike Lane survives a gauntlet match against the Asylum (Smiley, Doubt, The Shark and Hysteria).
Heavy Metal opens and a figure is watching over the show from the rafters, but we don’t know who yet.
Gavin Davis swears that he can reach the inner Axel the Shark, Alex Reese is still trying to get through to LH Harrison.
Ash Williams has given up and walked away from Matthew Cories, he sees that the Doctor Evil persona has taken over.
We see Smiley and Doubt defeat Doctor D’Ville and Creeping Death for the tag championships after Creeping Death turns on D’Ville.
Brent Kersh finds out that Dani and Phoebe had organised everything as a ruse. Dani turns on her father and sides with Phoebe.
Lux Bellator unmasks Nox Bellator, only to find out his identity is Solomon Rhodes, Lux’s biggest enemy from his past.
The Silver Shroud is revealed as the character watching the show from the rafters.
Hysteria is arrested and we find out that Alex Reese is the undercover officer from earlier. He suspects Hysteria killed his family.
After Heavy Metal, we see Reese interrogating Hysteria but Doctor D’Ville helps Hysteria to be freed.
The Silver Shroud is investigating the victims of the Scarecrow, only to begin to be hunted by the Crow himself.
The mindgames continue through Insomnia as we lead towards Ring of Dreams.
Nox and Father Pedro are hunting Lux Bellator, leading towards a massive showdown.
After a digger crashes, nearly killing Mike Lane and Bruce Van Chan, both men suspect the other is behind the attack. Destiny Lane warns Bruce Van Chan about who the ‘real’ Mike Lane is and a car nearly runs them both down seeming to prove her point.
James Hunter finds a woman he claims is Pig’s mother. This causes Pig to momentarily stop listening to Luther.
Alex Reese tries to talk to Hysteria but receives a barbed wire baseball bat for his troubles.
The season comes to a head at Ring of Dreams. We see the team of Ocean’s One form (Marvolo and Nigel Royal). Marvolo wonders who Jake Jeckel’s mysterious backer is.
The woman Hunter claims is Pig’s mother tries to get Pig to go with her. Pig takes everybody out, including Luther.
After putting away the Scarecrow, the Silver Shroud lifts Crow up above the ring on a perch and lights him on fire – justice has been served.
After Hysteria defeats Alex Reese, Doctor D’Ville comes out to gloat. But Hysteria turns on D’Ville. He, Doubt, Smiley and the Shark toss aside D’Ville – the inmates now run the Asylum.
Anonymous reveals that they’ve been behind all the hardships facing the Kersh family of late. Phoebe Outlaw tries to step in and help Kersh but is beaten down with an axe. James Hunter reveals that he has been Anonymous all along.
After losing to Lux Bellator, Solomon Rhodes tries to bring a flood to the Schoolyard. Lux stops him and Rhodes is dragged away by the ministry of light.
Mike Lane and Bruce Van Chan square off. But Jake Jeckel cashes in his Invasion briefcase half way through the match. Jake Jeckel takes victory and is crowned the champion, thanks to a steel pipe.
Ring of Dreams ends with Errol Flint raising Jake Jeckel’s hand – he, the man who finally took down Mike Lane.
Monday Night Showcase #34: New Beginnings:
Errol Flint lauds over the RAGE, announcing they have to earn their contracts, win or they’re fired
Ozric Mortimer tires to extort a title opportunity out of James Hunter for Brandon Garcia but Hunter has all the cards
Ethan Bird defeated Bruce Van Chan via the World’s End
Scarecrow destroys Ethan Bird
Vinnie Lane and Gator try and get the Boomstick banned only to piss off Errol Flint
Alex Reese defeated Redrum via the Head Spinner (Rolling Cutter)
Mike Lane tries to send Red River Jack a message only to get beaten down by the Awakening
Ozric Mortimer defeated Anonymous via the Flight of the Sparrow
Marvolo tries to sweet talk Errol Flint only to get punished for his bullshit
Gator defeated Nigel Royal via the Ruckus’ Da Chronic
Brent Kersh comes in to a round of apologetic applause from the crowd before beating down Marvolo for being a traiterous bastard
All Star Championship Match: James Hunter defeated Axel the Shark via the Contradiction to retain the All Star Championship
Mike Lane’s gone off the deep end as he’s kidnapped Red River Jack’s mom
US Championship Match: Lux Bellator defeated Doctor D’Ville via the Disciple Maker to retain the US Championship
The Dead taunts Lux Bellator, revealing he kidnapped Father Pedro for revenge
The Hangman defeated Jake Jeckel via the Noose; Jake Jeckel has been fired from OSW
Matthew Cories, pretending to be Agent Mulder is looking for aliens in the sky when Doctor D’Ville tries to get him as a client
LH Harrison defeated Lee Crowley via the Hope Landing; Lee Crowley has been fired from OSW
Matty’s being his usual goofy self while Ash lets the protest get to him before nearly getting bawled over by Corey Black who’s still looking for the mysterious little girl
Vinnie Lane defeated The Dead via the Black Label Driver
High Society unveil the Nigel Royal wing backstage before being interrupted by Redrum the Clown, who they get security to beat down and tase
High Society are then chilling in their wing when the lights go out and they get beaten down by the Crowley Family
Marvolo defeated Those 90’s Guys via a surprise rollup on Ash
Bruce Van Chan and Paige are backstage when a sign suddenly falls down, trapping BVC as Jake steals an unconscious Paige away while Bruce can do nothing
High Society (Culture Boy/Max Million) defeated Corey Black via a Max Million schoolboy
Alex Reese tries to pump up the crowd before Vinnie Lane and Gator run in for the attack, but get run off by LH Harrison
Ambulance Match: Scarecrow defeated Mike Lane via the Bye Bye Birdie on top of the paramedics
Solomon Rhodes is pissed he doesn’t get an opportunity to keep his job but Errol Flint’s response is to reveal his new bodyguard, Freight Train mother fucking Ferguson
Anonymous has a secret to lord over Axel the Shark
Ambulance Match: Brent Kersh defeated Red River Jack after spearing him right through the Ambulance doors
Mike Lane kidnaps Red River Jack in an ambulance before the pair crash into oncoming traffic
Monday Night Showcase #35: Face the Music
Flowing from last week, Mike Lane and Red River Jack continue this huge fight as they fall off a bridge into the water below but only Mike Lane comes out of the water
High Society try to blackmail Errol Flint for payment to the repairs of the Schoolyard
Doctor D’Ville defeated Gator via the 302 Sleeper Hold
Phoebe Outlaw arrives in OSW
Anonymous continues to push Axel the Shark over a terrible tragedy in his past as Axel snaps in front of a young kid
Scarecrow/Ethan Bird/The Hangman defeated High Society (Culture Boy, Max Million and Nigel Royal) via the Bye Bye Birdie on Culture Boy
Phoebe Outlaw hypes up the crowd only to be interrupted by the disgusting and ancient pervert Victor Grimes
Doctor D’Ville plays mindgames with Matthew Cories using X-Files footage
Corey Black defeated Axel the Shark via the For Victory or Death (Trapping Elbows)
The Flock beat down Scarecrow backstage
The Dead defeated Matthew Cories via the Final Breath
Errol Flint makes some mystery business with the Crowley Family
Vinnie Lane and Gator taunt Ash before Vinnie attacks Ash from behind
Vinnie Lane defeated Ash Williams via a cheating rollup before Ash knocks him out cold with the Boomstick
Jackson Slade challenges Errol Flint to a match at Danger Zone
Ash is pissed at Corey Black for the past few weeks but when Corey lets Ash know of his problems, Ash might be willing to help
Anonymous defeated Brent Kersh via the Blessing
Lux Bellator gets warned of a buried alive Father Pedro that leads to him being knocked out cold by the Dead
James Hunter/Ozric Mortimer defeated LH Harrison and Alex Reese via the Poetic Justice on LH Harrison
Jake Jeckel threatens BVC to get his job back or bad things will happen to his wife
The Crowley Family continue to play mindgames with High Society
Love Bites beat down the Power of Positivity
OSW Showcase Match: Doubt defeated ManiK via the Eating Yourself Alive
BVC begs Errol Flint to sign Jake Jeckel to a contract in order to save his wife
Ozric Mortimer and James Hunter have words still over Garcia’s blackmail as a terrified lawyer tries to make heads and tails of the situation
Lux Bellator defeated Bruce Van Chan via the Arm of God (La Mastica)
Evan Jackson arrives in OSW but Doubt is quickly there to introduce and spread seeds of his own name in the man’s mind
Brent Kersh beats Marvolo down backstage before throwing him to the wolves in FTF
Marvolo defeated FTF via a Hilo
Mike Lane is released from hospital into the awaiting arms of the Awakening
Monday Night Showcase #36-The Fast Lane to Hell:
The Awakening arrive in the Schoolyard along with Mike Lane who appears to be under Red River Jack’s thumb once more
FTF defeated Vic Grimes via the Slam Dunk
Power of Positivity announce next week Love Bites will be taking them on for the #1 contenderships
Nigel Royal defeated Lee Crowley via the Dungeons of London
Bruce Van Chan tries to save Paige but gets beaten down by Jake Jeckel who warns him to lay down at Danger Zone or else
Phoebe Outlaw defeated Axel the Shark via the Northern Cross (Anaconda Vice)
The Dead fakes Lux Bellator out once more before brutally attacking him
James Hunter defeated Alex Reese via the Poetic Justice
Ozric uses the attorney from last week and the axe to blackmail Hunter into giving him an All Star title match as Hunter vows to reveal the truth of what Garcia did to the world
LH Harrison defeated Max Million via the Hope Landing
Victor Grimes gets beaten up by his wife thanks to Phoebe Outlaw
Ethan Bird defeated Vinnie Lane, Hangman and Anonymous via the World’s End on The Hangman
Brent Kersh gets suckered in by Marvolo’s attempt at an apology which leaves him wide open for a low blow
Culture Boy defeated Matthew Cories via the Culture Rack
Anonymous messes with Axel once more but this time they use the kids, which is the last straw for the Kid’s Champ
Corey Black defeated Doubt via For Victory Or Death
The Crowley Family finally stop the mindgames and challenge High Society to a match at Danger Zone
Brent Kersh defeated Doctor D’Ville after pinning himself through the 302
Corey Black is still seeing ghosts but as Ash tries to talk sense into him, Black snaps, attacking Ash which gives them a match between the two at Danger Zone
Ash Williams defeated Gator via a massive Boomstick; Gator is fired
Ethan Bird challenges and gets his rematch for the RAGE title at Danger Zone
Jake Jeckel/The Dead vs. Bruce Van Chan/Lux Bellator ends in a Double DQ
Even Jackson challenges Doubt to a match at Danger Zone
Red River Jack defeated Marvolo via a Super Seein’ Red on a Chair
D’Ville again tries to get Cories as his patient but this time it ends in violence with Cories managing to fight his way free
Steel Cage Match: Mike Lane defeated Ozric Mortimer after the Awakening catch Ozric, stopping him from hitting the floor below
Red River Jack looks to punish Mike Lane but Mike Lane reveals he was playing possum, beating the crap out of the Awakening before knocking Red River Jack the fuck out with a Shadow Kick and standing tall to the love of the fans
Monday Night Showcase #37-One Year Anniversary:
Errol Flint tries to celebrate the one year anniversary but gets interrupted by Jackson Slade, who reveals the Danger Zone match is a tag team match, and FtF is beaten down backstage by a mystery man
Jack is pissed about Mike Lane’s betrayal as he orders Manson and Hate to absolutely fuck him up
Doctor D’Ville defeated Pegasus via the Lobotomy
The Dead gets the better of Lux Bellator once more but this time with mindgames instead of violence
Last Man Standing Match: Axel the Shark defeated Matthew Cories after he stands up just in time
Doubt plays more mindgames with Evan Jackson
Lee Crowley/The Hangman defeated Evan Jackson/Doubt after an Eating Yourself Alive on Evan Jackson
Victor Grimes tries to beat down Phoebe Outlaw but gets the worst of the scuffle
Brent Kersh tells Raquel that he challenges Marvolo to a match at Danger Zone
Professor Bordeaux defeated Lord Merriweather via the Early Dismissal
Vinnie Lane has a funeral for the departed Gator screaming revenge against Ash
Corey Black tries to apologise but Ash just beats the shit out of him, having no fucks left to give
Vinnie Lane defeated Fate via the Heartbreaker
Brent Kersh and Scarecrow have a peaceful altercation for once
Bruce Van Chan defeated Phoebe Outlaw and Culture Boy via the Van Chaninator on Culture Boy
Doctor D’Ville continues to play mindgames with Matthew Cories
Anonymous taunts Axel the Shark once more about his dark secret
King Konstantine defeated Nigel Royal via Off With His Head
Mike Lane beats down Manson and Hate only to get an unwanted visitor in Desmond Cross
Ozric Mortimer, Corey Black, Max Million and Jake Jeckel defeated Ash Williams, Red River Jack, Lux Bellator and Ethan Bird after Ethan Bird gets disqualified
Lee Crowley plays more mindgames with High Society
Vinnie Lane may have to fight POP by himself next week
Alex Reese defeated LH Harrison via the Head Spinner
One of Jake Jeckel’s goons delivers Paige’s severed finger to BVC who goes completely psycho on him and beats the living fuck out him before screaming that Jake is going to pay
Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match: The Dead defeated Isaiah Black after both men flew into the barbed wire explosive boards
Marvolo interrupts the return of Cooking with Master Chef and verbally berates the former world champion
Hells Kitchen Match: Marvolo defeated Master Chef via the White Tiger Driver
Bruce is in the ring as he gets attacked by Jake Jeckel and beaten down by a steel chair assault
Brent Kersh defeated The Scarecrow via the Southern Discomfort
James Hunter and Ozric Mortimer have a meeting of the minds once more
Mike Lane defeated Desmond Cross via the Shadow Kick
Desmond Cross and Red River Jack beat down Mike Lane, only for Isaiah Black to run in for the save.
Danger Zone:
Jackson Slade taunts Errol Flint for not having a partner as Flint turns around into a massive Big Boot from Freight Train
Freight Train Ferguson defeated Errol Flint via the Slam Dunk
Slade reveals FtF was working for him all along and while he may not get to be commissioner, he’s the newest manager in OSW with Ferguson as his first client
Vic Grimes beats Phoebe Outlaw down backstage before dragging her to the ring for their match
Phoebe Outlaw defeated Vic Grimes with a Northern Lights Suplex
Evan Jackson attacks Doubt backstage after Doubt tries to play more mindgames
Doubt defeated Evan Jackson with the Eating Yourself Alive
Those 90’s Guys hype themselves up for their respective matches
Matthew Cories defeated Doctor D’Ville with the Get a Helmet
The Crowley Family taunts High Society once more before their match
Axel the Shark defeated Anonymous with the Shark Dive
Anonymous tries to reveal Axel’s secret but Axel reveals it anyway, telling how Axel was a kid who he drove to school and was his only friend and Axel died in a terrible accident, inspiring “Axel” to become a hero
Vinnie Lane tries to weasel his way out of the match but POP force him back into the ring
Power of Positivity defeated Vinnie Lane via the Break the Silence; POP become the #1 contenders to the Tag Team Championship
Corey Black goes to Doctor D’Ville looking for answers, who simply says that it’s Creeping Death trying to get free
Corey Black defeated Ash Williams after he fell on top of Ash following a double knockout blow
Lux and The Dead seem to have an amicable conversation that ends with Father Pedro destroying the Dead with a steel chair
High Society defeated The Crowley Family via the Stock Drop on Damian Crowley
Brent Kersh demands Marvolo come out and face him before avoiding a sneak attack from the #1
Marvolo defeated Brent Kersh via a Small Package
Jackson Slade tries to recruit Phoebe Outlaw who isn’t sure she wants to be associated with the former RAGE owner
US Championship Match: Lux Bellator defeated The Dead via a Super Disciple Maker to retain the US Championship
Pedro continues the attack on the Dead before Lux has had enough and he lays out Father Pedro, cutting his ties for good
BVC is on a rampage as he demands to know where Paige is before beginning the fight against Jake Jeckel early
Hardcore Championship Match: Bruce Van Chan defeated Jake Jeckel via a Shot Through The Heart on a bunch of boxes to retain the Hardcore title
Bruce thinks he has Paige back but it’s revealed Jake brainwashed her into a juggalo and Jake’s the only one who can turn her back
Ozric officially cuts Brandon Garcia from the Flock after what he’s read but says it matters not as all that matters is the All Star Championship
All Star Championship Match: James Hunter defeated Ozric Mortimer via the Flight of the Hypocrite to retain the All Star title
Vane arrives, revealing himself as a fixer for Errol Flint, here to find out the truth of who ran him down.
RAGE Championship Match: Scarecrow defeated Ethan Bird via the Bye Bye Birdie to retain the Rage title
Ozric Mortimer appears to attack Scarecrow, much to Ethan Bird’s annoyance
OSW World Championship Match: Mike Lane defeated Red River Jack via the Shadow Kick to retain the OSW Heavyweight title
Brent Kersh challenges Mike Lane to a match at Retroactive which Lane responds with a brutal Shadow Kick
Monday Night Showcase #38-When World’s Collide:
Mike Lane tries to say why he attacked Brent Kersh at the end of Danger Zone but Brent Kersh gets his revenge by laying the Shadow King out with the Southern Discomfort
Evan Jackson is having a crisis of confidence which isn’t helped by the interjection of Professor Bordeaux who insists he can teach the vet a thing or two
LH Harrison defeated Ethan Bird via the Break the Silence
Vane comes out, reveals investigations have shown Ethan Bird was lying about his involvement with Red Snow and with a chop to the throat, fires him
Evan Jackson defeated Axel the Shark with the Twisted Mind (Last Chancery)
Jackson Slade nearly has his claws in Phoebe Outlaw but Freight Train’s brutish ways screw that all up
Corey Black continues to see his little sister as Doubt is the next to try and “help” him
Freight Train Ferguson defeated Professor Bordeaux with the Slam Dunk
Charles Wingate comes out, announcing the next match and his debut one is a 25,000 dollar ladder match, donated by his uncle
$25,000 Ladder Match: Tony Columbo defeated Charles Wingate and August Frost after a huge Chokeslam on Wingate
Columbo and Wingate continue their brawl only to realise August Frost has run off with the 25k
Phoebe Outlaw defeated The Dead with the Northern Star Press
Bruce Van Chan continues to be tormented by Jake and the now Juggalised Paige as he’s warned to still be Hardcore Champion by next week or else
Doctor D’Ville defeated Doubt with the Lobotomy
Lux Bellator tries to apologise to the crowd for what he’s done under Father Pedro’s control only to be interrupted and challenged for the US title by Marvolo
Ozric and Scarecrow have been outright murdering one another backstage before they come to a standstill and agree on a match at RetroActive for the RAGE championship
Doctor D’Ville tries to use his usual trickery on Axel the Shark who is less then receptive
Jake Jeckel defeated Nigel Royal with a Frankensteiner
Jackson Slade tries to schmooz Vane who’s having none of it, revealing that Slade is both now bankrupt and a few months ago paid someone 20k to a Cayman Islands bank account, and that once he finds out who Slade paid to do it, Slade is done
Power of Positivity hype themselves up for their tag title match at RetroActive but High Society isn’t pleased about them hyping themselves up in the Nigel Royal wing as all three men beat the crap out of Harrison and Reese
OSW Tag Team Championship Match: High Society defeated Those 90’s Guys via a Stuff Piledriver on Matthew Cories to become the new OSW Tag Team Champions- High Society are the 6th Tag Team Champions
Nigel Royal is backstage as one of his henchmen rush up to tell him of shenanigans in his ward, the words of the seven deadly sins spray painted all over the halls by the Dead, who warns him that he’s coming to drag his sorry ass to hell
James Hunter defeated Scarecrow with the Poetic Justuce
Anonymous come out to warn Hunter of his previous sins who doesn’t take it kindly and attacks them before the lights go out and Hunter is left bloodied and beaten on the ringside floor
OSW Hardcore Championship Match: Vinnie Lane defeated Bruce Van Chan via a surprise rollup to become the new Hardcore Champion- Vinnie Lane is the 10th Hardcore Champion
Vinnie Lane celebrates his title victory only to be interrupted by Ash at “Gators” grave as Ash plays mindgames with Vinnie only to be behind him and Boomstick the shit out of the Megastar
Mike Lane and Brent Kersh defeated Lux Bellator and Marvolo with the Southern Discomfort on Lux Bellator
Mike Lane and Brent Kersh continue to talk smack as the fans are split right down the middle
Monday Night Showcase #39-Up To Your Neck:
The show begins with Jake and now Jaqueline Jeckel as Jake looks to make good on his promise and brutalise Jaqueline before Bruce rushes in, beating the crap out of Jake before Jaqueline saves Jake from his attack
Doubt defeated August Frost with the Second Guess
Professor Bordeaux tries to help Evan Jackson once more but eventually gets pissed and beats down the veteran
Charles Wingate and Tony Columbo defeated Professor Bordeaux and FTF with the Hit Curbstomp on Freight Train
Ash walks into his locker room to a horrifying sight, Vinnie Lane getting dome in a hot-tube with someone who’s a dead ringer for his old girlfriend Linda, which does a number on his mind here
Invasion Match Qualifier: Phoebe Outlaw defeated Ash Williams with the Northern Cross
Columbo and Wingate continue to try and find ways to get the money back as Frost is having the time of his life
Invasion Match Qualifier: LH Harrison defeated Doctor D’Ville with the Second Fall Stretch
Ozric has stolen two of Scarecrow’s perches as the pair continue to exchange heavy verbose words towards one another
Invasion Match Qualifier Backstage Brawl: Jake Jeckel defeated Evan Jackson with the Hatchet through a catering table
Freight Train Ferguson tries to put the moves on Phoebe Outlaw but predictably, Phoebe is creepy out and pissed by Freight Train’s brash ways
Invasion Match Qualifier Table Match: Alex Reese defeated Nigel Royal with a Sucide Dive
Marvolo confronts Lux Bellator about being the best American as he’s tested on America and fails in traditional Marvolo comedic fashion
Invasion Match Qualifier First Blood Match: Corey Black defeated Matthew Cories with the For Victory or Death
Ash is having a mental breakdown backstage before Vinnie Lane knocks him out with the Necrinomicon and begins to read from it
Invasion Match Qualifier Ambulance Match: Bruce Van Chan defeated Max Million with a Shot Through The Heart on the concrete floor
High Society flaunt their tag title victory before Those 90’s Guys (with a very distracted Ash) want their rematch at RetroActive as POP agree making it a three way dance
Vinnie Lane defeated Lux Bellator with the Black Label Driver
Axel has a dream of beating James Hunter but it turns out just to be more psychological trickery from Doctor D’Ville
Culture Boy vs. Brent Kersh ended in a Draw after a double knockdown leads to a ten count
Corey Black demands to knock why Doubt heard his mother before Black puts his hands on Doubt who responds with a skull cracking headbutt
Mike Lane defeated Marvolo with the STF
Mike Lane knocks out a Brent Kersh fan who jumped into the ring before a Mike Lane fans jumps Brent Kersh who tries to talk sense in Lane which leads into a massive brawl from the two
Scarecrow defeated The Dead with the Bye Bye Birdie
Someone tries to run down Vane but slips up, giving Vane their registration number and a lead
All Star Championship Buried Alive Match: James Hunter defeated Axel the Shark with a Spinning Powerslam into the grave to retain the All Star Championship
Anonymous beats Hunter down and buries him before revealing Hunter got his brother sent to prison and murdered there.
Monday Night Showcase #40-Days Gone Bye:
We begin in a shambles of a SchoolYard, Ash rushing in full Chosen One as he takes down deadite after deadite before running into a turned Matthew Cories who he seemingly kills with a Shotgun before a loud scream snaps him out of it and he comes back to reality, seeing a sea of unconscious bodies and his friend Boomsticked down before security takes a terrified Ash away
Professor Bordeaux defeated August Frost with the Early Dismissal
Vane finds out that the car from last week was registered to Mike Lane but needs more evidence before he can bring it to Errol Flint
The formerly Paige Van Chan has been used and abused by Jake who gets pissed off at her, forcing her to show Bruce what Jake has done to his wife
Corey Black has yet more hallucinations from his past, this one involving his parents
Corey Black and Doubt defeated Doctor D’Ville and Axel the Shark with the For Victory or Death on D’Ville
Doubt taunts Black some more who beats Doubt down, trying to elbow him into unconsciousness but when Black removes Doubt’s mask, Doubt fight back and leaves Black out
Columbo, Frost and Wingate finally look to settle their differences with another ladder match at RetroActive
Bruce Van Chan defeated Freight Train Ferguson with a hurricarana
The Dead continues to play mindgames with Nigel Royal
High Society try and convince Cories to join them but he won’t have it and thanks to POP, he has backup
Lux Bellator defeated Anonymous with the Disciple Maker
Ozric Mortimer goes to the Scarecrow’s home to do battle but he’s unsuccessful
Vane tells High Society they’ll defend those titles against both Those 90’s Guys and POP at RetroActive but if they can beat them next, they get to choose the stipulation
High Society defeated Those 90’s Guys and Power of Positivity after That 90’s Bible on Alex Reese
Slade finally brings some peace between Phoebe Outlaw and FtF saying that if Outlaw can beat Freight Train at RetroActive, Freight Train will stop being a macho dick
Mike Lane defeated The Dead with the Shadow Kick
Vinnie Lane defeated Marvolo with the Black Label Driver
Professor Bordeaux tries to teach his students a lesson in wrestling past only to be attacked by Evan Jackson
D’Ville challenges Axel to a match at RetroActive for the US title contendership, revealing it’s First Blood after stabbing a pen in Axel’s neck
Scarecrow defeated Tony Columbo with the Bye Bye Birdie
Brent Kersh and Mike Lane have more words
Micah Wright tries to interview Lux Bellator only to be interrupted by Marvolo who challenges Lux to a US title match at RetroActive before with a Raquel distraction, beats Lux into the mat
Axe On a Pole Match: Brent Kersh defeated James Hunter after grabbing the Axe
Anonymous taunts Hunter once more only to be driven off by the Axe\
Bruce Van Chan tries and fails to bring back his wife from under Jake’s control
Phoebe Outlaw defeated Jake Jeckel with the Northern Cross
A bunch of goons kidnap Jake Jeckel, as they launt his credentials before Jake manages to beat them all down before walking off as we end with an ominous ‘Boss….he’s the one”
The Kersh family are there to cheer The Enforcer on before his match against Mike Lane but a mysterious figure is watching it all
Wingate and Columbo are pissed as Frost reveals all the money is gone
Tony Columbo defeated Charles Wingate and August Frost with the On The Spot on August Frost
Nigel Royal tries to weasel his way out of the match against The Dead by offering a chance to cure his CIP
Professor Bordeaux defeated Evan Jackson with the Early Dismissal
Phoebe Outlaw’s parents arrive as Freight Train is his usual self but thanks to some harsh words from Phoebe, for the first time in a long time, Freight Train is silent
The Dead defeated Nigel Royal with the Final breath
Jackson Slade wishes Phoebe Outlaw luck before her match
Phoebe Outlaw defeated Freight Train Ferguson with the Northern Cross
Doctor D’Ville taunts Axel once more who’s finally had enough of the Doctor
First Blood Match: Doctor D’Ville defeated Axel the Shark after mounting punches with a glove covered with glass
Ash is anxious in the halls, waiting for Matty to finally arrive as a kind staff member makes him realise that Matty isn’t coming
OSW Tag Team Championship Match: Powers of Positivity defeated High Society with the Head Spinner on Culture Boy to become the new OSW Tag Team Champions- Power of Positivity are the 7th Tag Team Champions
Marvolo gloats over his upcoming title victory in an office decked out in hardcore America attire
Corey Black defeated Doubt with a brutal discus elbow
Doctor D’Ville comes out afterwards, revealing Corey Black is under his complete control as he forces him to finish off Doubt before walking off with the Doctor
Scarecrow is ready to go out for his match against Ozric only to be given a chilling message from a returning Lee Crowley
Rage Championship Match: Scarecrow defeated Ozric Mortimer with the Bye Bye Birdie to retain the RAGE championship
Scarecrow leaves a beaten Ozric down in the mat, going to his corn field as he reveals a fresh perch that soon one soul will be trapped upon
James Hunter defeated Anonymous with the Contradiction
Someone has mugged and beaten Charles Wingate backstage, much to High Society’s anger
US Championship Match: Marvolo defeated Lux Bellator with a Super White Tiger to become the new US Champion- Marvolo is the 5th US Champion
Lux Bellator doesn’t even get a chance to comprehend his loss before he’s set upon by Father Pedro and his brother Nox
Vane reveals the evidence against Mike Lane who heavily denies it
Ash attacks Vinnie Lane during his entrance, shaving a whole bunch of his luxurious hair
OSW Hardcore Championship: Vinnie Lane defeated Ash Williams with a chair assisted Guillotine Legdrop from the top of a ladder through a table to retain the Hardcore title
Bruce Van Chan attacks Jake Jeckel backstage, only stopping mere inches from hitting his wife with a steel chair in the process
Steel Chair Match: Jake Jeckel defeated Bruce Van Chan after a Hatchet on a steel chair
Bruce somehow gets Paige to hit Jake with a steel chair but she’s not out from under his influence as she’s taken away in hysterics
Mike Lane and Brent Kersh have a few words pre match
OSW World Championship Match: Mike Lane defeated Brent Kersh with a huge Shadowkick after CCTV footage of his daughter making out with an OSW wrestler distracts Brent to retain the OSW Heavyweight title
Monday Night Showcase #41-The Best Defense:
Brent Kersh is pissed about what he saw last week as Anonymous reveals they showed him and only they know who the person is but Brent has to take the All Star title to get a chance of knowing
Bobby Neptune defeated Doubt with the Titan’s Crashdown
Bruce van Chan and Jake Jeckel get into words which is interrupted by Phoebe Outlaw. She talks trash and gets knocked out by the pair
Dick Fury defeated The Culture Boy with the D (Double Underhook Facebuster)
Marvolo continues his political campaign but it may well be stopped by Doubt’s championship aspirations
Phoebe Outlaw defeated Max Million with the Northern Cross
Corey Black gets forced to put his Invasion title shot up against Axel the Shark tonight by Doctor D’Ville, much to his anger
King Konstantine defeated Doctor D’Ville with the Off With Your Head
Lee Crowley and Scarecrow play mindgames which leads to a random man’s death at the hands of Crowley
Invasion Match Qualifier: Axel the Shark defeated Corey Black with the Fuerza Special
Dick Fury introduces himself to the backstage area much to the annoyance of Professor Bordeaux
Lee Crowley defeated LH Harrison with the Glasgow Smile
King Konstantine has a tense introduction to the newest OSW acquisition Bobby Neptune
Alex Reese defeated Anonymous with the Head Spinner
High Society find a massive threat against them announcing that if they don’t disband within a week, more punishment will come upon them
Lux Bellator defeated Scarecrow with the Disciple Maker
Nox and Father Pedro trap and taunt Lux in a small cell before he manages to escape and trap Nox into the bars of holy judgement
Backstage Brawl: Jake Jeckel defeated Brent Kersh after slamming his head into the concrete floor again and again
Vinnie taunts Ash and when Ash attacks, Vinnie with the help of a fake ID, gets Ash sectioned into a mental hospital
All Star Championship Match: James Hunter defeated Professor Bordeaux with the Poetic Justice to retain the All Star Championship
Axel the Shark and POP agree to a friendly contest to get the first entrant for Invasion
Vinnie Lane challenges Mike to go hardcore tonight which his cousin emphatically agrees with
Mike Lane defeated Vinnie Lane after an Ash Williams Boomstick
Errol Flint attacks Mike Lane, thinking he ran him over but Vane finally shows the CCTV footage, revealing it was James Hunter who takes everyone out and announces he’s vacating the All Star title and coming for the World Title
Monday Night Showcase #42-Fear the Hunters:
The show begins with a horrifying sight, a young woman being slowly bled dry by a mysterious monster
Errol Flint tries to apologise to Mike Lane who’s having none of it
Jackson Mitchell defeated Dick Fury with the Texas Stampede
Kingpin debuts, beating Mitchell down within an inch of his life
High Society refuse to break up which has heavy consequences as they’re shown Nigel Royal’s father being beaten brutally in prison
Nox Bellator defeated Axel the Shark with the Darkness Falls
Ash tries to have an interview backstage but gets attacked by Vinnie Lane and the Hangman who wrap a noose around his throat and put him in a straight jacket
Ash Williams defeated The Crowley Family after Boomsticking all three of them (Damien, Tobias and the Hangman)
Lee Crowley plays more mindgames with Scarecrow which just manages to piss off the Hayman
Anonymous taunts Danielle Kersh as Brent nearly loses his cool only for Anonymous to remind him of their agreement
Jake reveals Bruce is with him until Invasion in order to get the phrase to snap Paige out of it, as Phoebe Outlaw gets beaten down again
Doubt defeated Vinnie Lane with a sudden rollup
James Hunter reveals his reasons for attacking Flint who tries to fire him only for Hunter to reveal the young woman being slowly bled dry is Destiny and Hunter will only release her if Mike Lane gives him the championship
OSW Tag Team Championship Match: Corey Black/Doctor D’Ville defeated POP with the Phoenix Splash on Alex Reese to become the new Tag Team Champions- Corey Black and Doctor D’Ville are the 8th Tag Team Champions
Doubt comes out to attack Black and D’Ville before Marvolo interjects himself, only to get beaten down and for his US title to be stolen
Professor Bordeaux tries to educate Dick Fury to little success
Jake Jeckel defeated James Hunter with the Hatchet
Axel and POP’s friendly games continue
The mysterious goons from a few shows again approach Jake once more, as they reveal they have Jack Jeckel hostage and if jake doesn’t meet with their boss, bad things will happen to his brother
Mike Lane defeated Phoebe Outlaw with the Shadow Kick
Lux Bellator tries to fake Father Pedro out but with the help of Anna Goodchild, gets strapped to a cross and seemingly set on fire
Neptune demands a battle against King Konstantine to prove to the King that the universe is truly better then his kingdokm
All Star Championship Elimination Chamber Match: Bobby Neptune last eliminates Nigel Royal with the Pillars of Creation to become the new All Star Champion – Bobby Neptune is the 6th Champion
(Max Million first eliminated with the Titan’s Crashdown, Lux Bellator eliminated with the Southern Discomfort and Brent Kersh eliminated with the Dungeons of London)
Monday Night Showcase #43-The Hearts Desire:
Errol Flint tries to stop Mike Lane from being brash to save his daughter but the Shadow King doesn’t care what Flint thinks
Noose Match: The Hangman defeated Ash Williams after a Hunters Kill Piledriver which allowed him to hang Ash
Phoebe Outlaw is done with Bruce and Jake attacking her, attacking them first but Bruce is done with the sneak attacks
Doctor D’Ville, Corey Black and Professor Bordeaux defeated High Society with the School In Session on Culture Boy
Marvolo tries to find Doubt but he runs into a furious Corey Black who demands a title shot
Lux Bellator defeated Kingpin with a Triangle Choke
Mike Lane attacks James Hunter backstage but gets the worst of the attack as Hunter gets what he wants before Chokeslaming Mike Lane off the stage into a bunch of sound equipment
Professor Bordeaux once again tries to teach Dick Fury but quickly gets enraged as he challenges Fury to a match at Invasion
Brent Kersh defeated Jackson Mitchell with the Lone Star
Anonymous chides Brent Kersh for losing last week but gives him one more chance if he lays down for them at Invasion
Bobby Neptune and Kings Konstantine defeated Lee Crowley and the Scarecrow with the Titans Crashdown on The Scarecrow
Lee Crowley once again makes a fool of Scarecrow as The Hayman looks to want to murder Crowley at Invasion
High Society are attacked once more as in a cloud of smoke, Max Million is brutally attacked before they’re told they have to fight one another at Invasion
Vinnie Lane defeated Axel the Shark with the Bad Medicine on a steel chair
King Konstantine and Bobby Neptune have a war of words once more
Anna Goodchild defeated Doubt with the Fall of Babylon
Nox Bellator defeated Marvolo with the Disciple Breaker
Marvolo mocks his opponents but a few wrong words to an interfering Errol Flint may have been the wrong idea as he forces Marvolo to defend his title in a Four Way Dance at Invasion
Axel the Shark announces the Playground match will be where LH or Alex will find themselves the first entrant in Invasion
Playground Match: LH Harrison defeated Alex Reese after just managing to grab the briefcase to force Reese to be the first entrant
Lux Bellator traps the unholy duo of Nox and Anna behind a wall of fire before officially challenging Goodchild to a Ring of Fire match at Invasion
Mike Lane defeated Jake Jeckel with the Shadow Kick
Vinnie Lane suckers Ash in with a fake apology before with the help of fake Deadites, laying him out with a Black Label Driver
All six competitors in the Invasion match face off
Doctor D’Ville tries to extend a hand of invitation to Doubt with the Asylum..which Doubt isn’t completely dismissal of
Last Man Standing Match: Bruce Van Chan defeated Phoebe Outlaw after Shot Through The Heart through a table
Bruce Van Chan gets the shock of his life as Death itself reveals himself and shows that it’s coming for Bruce
The show begins with Death saying it’s coming for Bruce at Invasion
Tobias and Damien try and escort Lee out to the ring but he viciously attacks them both and rebrands himself Smiley
Triosmania Qualifying Match: Universal Belief (Bobby Neptune, Doubt and Nox Bellator) defeated The Campaign (Marvolo, Hangman and Axel the Shark) via the Disciple Maker on Axel the Shark
POP have doubts on Vinnie Lane who tries to suck up to his team-mates with matching gear
Triosmania Quarter Final Match: Armageddon (Lux Bellator, Lee Crowley and Doctor D’Ville) defeated The Clinic (Keith Nolan, Doctor D’Ville and Dick Fury) with the Disciple Maker on Keith Nolan
High Society arrive, vowing to show the world that this mysterious man isn’t going to stop them from ruling tonight
Triosmania Quarter Final Match: Game of Crows (Scarecrow, King Konstantine and Mike Lane) defeated School of Rock (Vinnie Lane and Power of Positivity) with the Rolling in the FastLane on Vinnie Lane
Doctor D’Ville interrupts a meeting of old friends, giving Corey Black a diet coke and walking away
Triosmania Quarter Final Match: Team WCF (Corey Black, Howard Black and Joey Flash) defeated High Society with the Phoenix Splash on Bobby Baxter
Universal Belief try to get along in the locker room to very little success
Triosmania Quarter Final Match: Universal Belief defeated We Three Kings (The Kingpin, Jake Jeckel and Ash Williams) via the Disiciple Break on Ash Williams
Phoebe Outlaw and Bruce Van Chan have words but Brent Kersh forces them to work together at least for tonight
Triosmania Quarter Final Match: OSW West (Phoebe Outlaw, Bruce Van Chan and Brent Kersh) defeated Armageddon with the Southern Cross on Lee Crowley
Axel the Shark gets a package of a very mysterious Strong Shark
Triosmania Semi-Final Match: OSW West defeated Team WCF after a Sudden Flash on Corey Black
Triosmania Semi-Final Match: Universal Belief defeated Game of Crows with the Supernova on Mike Lane
Triosmania Final Match: Universal Belief defeated OSW West with the Eating Yourself Alive on Phoebe Outlaw to win Triosmania
The lights go out as the Asylum are revealed with Doctor D’ville directing Corey Black, Axel the Shark, Doubt and Lee Crowley to create absolute havoc
Invasion 2:
James Hunter taunts Destiny Lane as he revels in his sure victory tonight or her sure demise
Scarecrow is now the man to play mindgames with Smiley who gets beaten up by his former family but that may have well just excited the psychopath
Trixxster defeated Jason Dorn and Maelstrom via a steel chain right hand to get a Hardcore title shot in the future
The Asylum arrives as with the Doctor’s word, Black, Doubt Smiley and the Shark begin decimating everyone they can see
Brent Kersh defeated Anonymous via the LoneStar
Brent Kersh makes amends with his daughter Danielle, showing his reasons for not trusting whoever this man is she’s dating only for Phoebe Outlaw to attack him from behind and reveal she’s the person Danielle is dating
RAGE Championship Match: Scarecrow defeated Smiley with a massive Bye Bye Birdie to retain the RAGE Championship
Max reveals he won’t have the identity of the man until Monday but High Society may well not survive until then
United States Championship Match: Marvolo defeated Doubt, Corey Black and Doctor D’Ville after a surprise rollup on Doubt to retain the US Championship
The Asylum beat down Marvolo before POP try to come down for the save only to be overwhelmed by the numbers. Black seems to come out of the affects of the doctors tonic but can’t attack him unless he reverts to Creeping Death, who easily falls into the Doctor’s service
Nigel Royal defeated Max Million and Culture Boy with the Dungeons of London on Culture Boy
Errol Flint arrives in his referee attire but gets knocked out by Mike Lane who doesn’t want Flint anywhere near here tonight
Hardcore Championship Deadite Lumberjack Match: Ash Williams defeated Vinnie Lane with a massive Boomstick to become the new Hardcore Champion-Ash Williams is the 11th Hardcore Champion
Deadites flood the ring post match as one of them looks different, Matthew Cories attacks and beats down Ash as a much different looking Cories serves a broken Ash with a restraining order
Jake finally meets the mysterious man who reveals he plans to make Jake the mayor of Las Vegas
The Shark spreads seeds of doubt within POP, revealing the Doctor wants one of them as his patient
Ring of Fire Match: Anna Goodchild defeated Lux Bellator with a Superkick into the Flames
Father Pedro continues the assault, Nox throwing Lux into the burning ropes before with a call to the archangel Raphael Lux is mysteriously gone
Bruce tricks Jake into revealing the phrase before Jake nearly gets crushed by steel beams operated by Phoebe Outlaw, who was always in on Bruce’s plans from day one
All Star Championship Match: Bobby Neptune defeated King Konstantine with the Titan’s Crashdown to retain the All Star Championship
The King’s Court beat down Bobby Neptune post match as the Trixxster reveals to be in Konstantine’s court, taking the All Star title from Neptune as Konstantine hails that Neptune will receive four punishments for defying the King
Newcomer Dudley Porter tries to interview Mike Lane who’s furious and declares Hunter will suffer tonight
Invasion Match: Jake Jeckel defeated Bruce Van Chan, LH Harrison, Axel the Shark, Phoebe Outlaw and Alex Reese after Death reveals himself to be Red River Jack to win the Invasion Briefcase
Jim Jenkins has a rather racist but hilarious debut promo
OSW World Championship Match: Mike Lane defeated James Hunter with the Shadow Kick to retain the OSW World Championship
Errol Flint has freed Destiny with the help of Pig as Mike Lane destroys James Hunter with the championship belt
Monday Night Showcase #44-This Sorrowful Life:
Errol Flint announces he did what he had to do at Invasion but Mike Lane is furious, wanting a piece of Errol Flint who gives him a match tonight for the World title.
Alex Reese defeated Doctor Evil with the Head Spinner
Brent Kersh is lost for words about last week as Phoebe Outlaw accuses him of being a homophobe while Danielle tries desperately to get them to work together
Jason Dorn mistakes Kolibre for a backstage worker as the pair exchange an awkward talk
Jenna Sydal is hyped for her tag team match but Anna Goodchild refuses to go out for the fight
Phoebe Outlaw/Brent Kersh defeated Jenna Sydal with the Northern Cross
Creeping Death is beating the crap out of orderlies before Doctor D’Ville brings him a gift, wanting him to destroy those in front of him tonight
Steel Cage Six Man Tag: Doctor D’Ville, Smiley and Creeping Death defeated Jason Dorn, Maelstrom and Kolibre with the For Victory or Death on Maelstrom
POP come out to challenge Death and D’Ville for the tag titles only to be revealed that Doubt and Smiley will be defending those titles as the pair beat down POP
Jake Jeckel proclaims his brilliance only to be interrupted by Marvolo who wants the mayor of Las Vegas job for himself
Nigel Royal and Max Million defeated Trixxster and King Konstantine with the Dungeons of London on King Konstantine
Destiny Flint is furious at her father as she tries in vein to stop him from fighting Mike tonight but he won’t hear it
Marvolo defeated Jim Jenkins with the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique
Jenkins tries to call Marvolo back only to be interrupted by Vlad the Impaler who douses Jenkins in a sea of blood
Doubt and Smiley visit POP backstage, forcing a pill down both of their throats, one of which will put them under the Doctor’s spell
Scarecrow defeated The Shark with the Bye Bye Birdie
Donovan Carter is the man Max Million thinks is doing this to High Society but he has nothing to do with it, much to their annoyance as they leave him lying
Destiny tries her best to dissuade Mike Lane this time but she has no more luck then she had with her father
Matthew ‘Doctor Evil’ Cories taunts Ash who tries to talk sense into his old friend but to no avail
Red River Jack defeated Ash Williams with the Seein’ Red
Vinnie Lane cuts his hand on a door covered with nails backstage, as The Shark stalks him before pouncing, only getting pulled off after taking a bite out of Lane
Nox Bellator gets trapped in a ring full of fire as Lux Bellator has been healed by the light of God before disappearing away once more
Bobby Neptune defeated Doubt and Nox Bellator with the Titan’s Crashdown on Nox Bellator
The King’s Court unleashes the first punishment as Konstantine whips Neptune
Luther and Pig arrive to get their reward for saving Destiny as Errol announces a four way to unify both heavyweight titles between Scarecrow, Pig, James Hunter and whoever the world champion is
I Quit Match: Jake Jeckel defeated Bruce Van Chan after getting his skull sandwiched between a briefcase and the steel ringpost
Bruce Van Chan demands Red River Jack come out and face him but Jack is elsewhere, digging a grave that’s heavily implied Paige is inside
Vinnie Lane defeated Pig with the Black Label Driver
Bobby Neptune tries to get Errol Flint’s help in regaining his title but Flint gives him a Game of Thrones match against Konstantine next week, which’ll give him two more title defenses, will fire Konstantine if he loses and also puts him in Pandemonium at #1
James Hunter attacks Pig backstage only for Scarecrow to attack them both, leaving them unconcious
OSW World Championship Match: Errol Flint defeated Mike Lane after James Hunter injects him with a syringe to become the new OSW World Champion: Errol Flint is the 8th World Champion
Monday Night Showcase #45-No Turning Back:
Errol Flint lauds over his title victory last week as Mike Lane is pissed but before he can get his hands on Lane, Pig absolutely destroys Lane. Luther and Flint announce the formation of the Mega Corporation, the new heads in charge
The Shark defeated Jason Dorn with the Asylum Special
Bruce Van Chan rushes to his home only to be arrested by the police on suspicion of burglery
Jim Jenkins defeated Maelstrom with the Boston Tea Bag Party
Creeping Death is furious at being contained as the good Doctor taunts him with a soda that he knows Death wants before telling him he’s holding him back so people will pay to see him destroy all that stand in his way
Doubt defeated Kolibre with the Eating Yourself Alive
Jim Jenkins hunts for Vlad backstage and compares him to a woman, a transexual and a hooker before Vlad finally has enough and disappears in a cloud of darkness
Vlad the Impaler defeated Trixxster with the Total Eclipse
Dani Kersh has a big talk with her dad as she asks for some space, much to the disappointment of the Enforcer
Red River Jack defeated LH Harrison with the Seein’ Red
Dani Kersh and Phoebe Outlaw talk about their problems as Outlaw announces she’s throwing Dani a surprise 21st birthday
Max Million defeated Smiley with the Stock Drop
Vinnie Lane taunts the Shark but his usual tactics don’t work as the Shark attacks him again, Vinnie able to fight him off this time but takes another heavy bite for his troubles
Mike Lane defeated Doctor D’Ville and Anna Goodchild with the Shadow Kick on Anna Goodchild
POP look off, each wondering who’s the one turning as Doubt and Smiley attack them once more, telling them that one of them has now taken tainted water
Phoebe Outlaw defeated Brent Kersh, Vinnie Lane and Ash Williams with the Northern Star Press on Ash
Three mysterious men kidnap Ash and drag him backstage to the order of Doctor Evil
Lux and Nox Bellator defeated Marvolo and Jake Jeckel with the Disciple Maker on Marvolo
Matty reveals his wacky plans that don’t go anywhere as Ash tries once again to talk sense in his old friend
Nigel Royal defeated Alex Reese with the Dungeon’s of London
Nox and Father Pedro are sure that Lucifer keeps bringing Lux back as they baptise him by throwing him over a bridge into the water, with Lux seemingly drowning
All Star Championship Game of Thrones Match: Bobby Neptune defeated King Konstantine with the Supernova to retain the All Star Championship
Neptune beats down the Court only to be attacked by Anna Goodchild who announces she’s coming for Neptune and his title
High Society celebrate finally taking down their tormentor as the security team wants their payment only for High Society to find out they’re flat broke as they run away from a furious Securtiy team
Marvolo and Jake Jeckel have a heated debate which ends with Jake calling immigration to take Raquel away
Detention Match: James Hunter defeated Pig after a Poetic Justice knocks him down enough for Hunter to lock the door
Scarecrow is pissed as he lays waste to everyone around him before announcing that MegaCorp will fear the Scarecrow
Monday Night Showcase #46-Rectify:
Howard Porter from the Network comes out announcing that the Network is pissed at Errol Flint, his holding the title is a breach of contract as he says that either Flint keeps up being world champion and loses the contract which will lead to heavy legal proceedings or strike the victory and give the title back to Mike Lane. Lane takes the title back as Flint tries to apologise only for Scarecrow to flutter in, Chokeslam both him and Lane before relinquishing the RAGE championship to Flint like he asked
Bruce is being held for questioning about the charge as he’s being held for 24 hours which it’s revealed Red River Jack is behind with the detective being one of Jack’s flunkies
Smiley defeated Jason Dorn with the Glasgow Smile
Marvolo is pissed about last week as Jake forces him to put his US title up on the line at Pandemonium in order to get Raquel back
The Shark defeated LH Harrison with the Asylum Special
Lux Bellator appears in the ring, drenched with water and seemingly back under Father Pedro’s influence
The Scarecrow defeated Doctor Evil with the Bye Bye Birdie
POP are fed up with the sneak attacks as Doubt and Smiley keep playing mindgames
Vinnie Lane defeated Creeping Death with a cheating rollup
Jim Jenkins hunts Vlad backstage as all his tricks do nothing against Vlad but sunlight manages to send Vlad running before he drains the fat racist
Anna Goodchild defeated Jake Jeckel with the Purifier
Bobby tries to take back his title but leaves with heavy words for Anna Goodchild ahead of their match
Max Million and Nigel Royal are told yet more bad news, Culture Boy has been attacked and they must fight out in a Buried Alive match at Pandemonium to get the truth
Doctor Evil reveals his bigger Boomstick as Ash has had enough, wanting to knock some sense into “Doctor Evil” at Pandemonium
Hardcore Championship Match: Ash Williams defeated Max Million with an Elbow Drop through a table to retain the Hardcore title
BVC is attacked by two Deaths backstage as he beats them down, revealing they are David Manson and Hate sent to do Jack’s bidding
POP are paranoid as hell backstage as Doubt and Smiley continue their mindgames
Lux Bellator, Nigel Royal and Vlad the Impaler defeated Nox Bellator, Doubt and Jim Jenkins after a Double Disciple Maker on Doubt
Vinnie Lane fakes out the Shark with a fake float and a guitar shot but the Shark is still hungry and angry
Red River Jack defeated Doctor D’Ville with the Seein’ Red
One of the “Deaths” attacks Red River Jack in the ring before revealing to be Bruce Van Chan having gotten some revenge
Doc D’Ville visits Creeping Death who reveals he knows what’s in those drinks as he breaks the music player and reveals he’s coming for the good Doctor
US Championship Triple Threat Locker Room Match: Bruce Van Chan defeated Marvolo and Alex Reese after a Nap Time to throw Alex into the locker to become the new US Champion- Bruce Van Chan is the sixth United States Champion
James Hunter attacks Luther backstage, telling him he won’t be anywhere near the match at Pandemonium
Mike Lane defeated Bobby Neptune with the Rolling in the Fast Lane
Brent Kersh challenges Phoebe Outlaw to a match at Pandemonium so he can know she’s worthy of his daughter, much to Outlaw’s anger
Phoebe Outlaw and Brent Kersh defeated James Hunter and Pig with the Southern Discomfort on James Hunter
Phoebe Outlaw runs down Brent Kersh being a cruel bitch which Kersh responds by taking her head off with a huge Lariat and walking away.
Pandemonium II:
Errol Flint and Mike Lane bury the hatchet at the urge of Destiny before they find themselves locked in thanks to James Hunter. The Question revels in his ingenuity before the door starts to shake violently before exploding outwards as the Scarecrow emerges. Hunter tries to bury his axe into Scarecrow but it does nothing as Hunter runs for his life
Creeping Death defeated Doctor D’Ville with the For Victory or Death
Vlad tries to suck Jenkins blood once more but Jim is ready, driving him away with ultra violet light as Vlad runs off to survive another day
Ash tries once more to talk sense into Matty but Doctor Evil refuses to stop as Ash has had it
Jim Jenkins defeated Vlad the Impaler with a Schoolboy
POP look exhausted, trying to push past it all but the continued mindgames of Doubt and Smiley don’t do them any good
Hardcore Championship Match: Ash Williams defeated Dr Evil with the Boomstick to retain the Hardcore title
Marvolo is dishevelled and broken as he demands Jake give him back Raquel which Jake agrees if Marvolo can beat him tonight
OSW Tag Team Championship Match: Smiley and Doubt defeated LH Harrison and Alex Reese after Harrison turns on Reese and headbutts him into a Hideous Laughter to retain the Tag Team championship
All three men beat down Alex Reese as they officially welcome Hysteria into the Asylum
Iron Circle Match: The Shark defeated Vinnie Lane after busting him wide open with a hook
The Shark looks to inflict more damage on Vinnie Lane but Gavin Davis arrives with a bus full of children to bring back Axel, which the Shark responds by a brutal attack on Gavin Davis before having his fill of his blood
High Society refuse to fight one another as Max finds a grave of Robert, the dead kid that looked up to him in IWF before Nigel Royal turns on Max, revealing he was behind everything before he buries Max alive
Lux thanks Father Pedro for saving him but now he knows he must save Nox and baptise him as well, much to the disagreement of Pedro
Marvolo defeated Jake Jeckel with the White Tiger Driver
Jake Jeckel lives up to his word, letting Marvolo see Raquel trapped and seemingly dragged away for illicit purposes before laying him out with the Hatchet
Baptismal Match: Lux Bellator defeated Nox Bellator after a Catholic Cross into the Fountain
Bobby Neptune once again tries to get Anna Goodchild to see his way to little success
All Star Championship Match: Bobby Neptune defeated Anna Goodchild with the Titan’s Crashdown to retain the All Star title
Paige tries to get Bruce Van Chan to back out of the match but to no avail
Bruce Van Chan defeated Red River Jack
Creeping Death asks to come back home to the Asylum which Doctor D’Ville eagerly agrees to
Brent Kersh defeated Phoebe Outlaw with the Northern Cross
Brent Kersh finally gets his say as he gives Danielle and Phoebe his blessing with all three finally making amends.
Undisputed OSW World Championship Match: Mike Lane defeated Scarecrow, Pig and James Hunter with the Shadow Kick on Scarecrow to unify the OSW World and RAGE titles
Errol Flint turns on Mike Lane, teaming up with James Hunter, the bastard who kidnapped and nearly killed his daughter
Pandemonium II: Bruce Van Chan wins the second Pandemonium, last eliminating Bobby Neptune with the Shot Through The Heart
Bobby Neptune
Vlad the Impaler
Creeping Death
Ash Williams
Anna Goodchild
Vinnie Lane
Phoebe Outlaw
Alex Reese
The Shark
Brent Kersh
Bruce Van Chan
Nigel Royal
Lux Bellator
James Hunter
Vlad the Impaler with the Titan’s Crashdown from Bobby Neptune
Pig with the Boomstick from Ash Williams
Doubt with the Boomstick from Ash Williams
Ash Williams with the Fall of Babylon from Anna Goodchild
Creeping Death with the Head Spinner from Alex Reese
Vinnie Lane with a steel chair shot from Bobby Neptune
Anna Goodchild with the White Tiger Driver from Marvolo
Marvolo with the Now I Lay You Down To Sleep from Bruce Van Chan
The Shark with the Northern Cross from Phoebe Outlaw
Phoebe Outlaw with the Southern Discomfort from Brent Kersh
James Hunter with a series of chair shots from Nigel Royal
Lux Bellator with the Chelsea Grin from Smiley
Scarecrow with the Southern Discomfort from Brent Kersh
Smiley with the Shot Through The Heart from Bruce Van Chan
Brent Kersh after a cowardly Phoebe Outlaw attack that allowed Nigel Royal to pin
Hysteria after a double chair shot from Alex Reese that give Van Chan the pinfall
Alex Reese after a double chair shot from Hysteria that gave Nigel Royal the pinfall
Nigel Royal with a counter to the Dungeons of London from Bobby Neptune
Monday Night Showcase #47-Life/Death:
Errol Flint and James Hunter reveal this whole thing has been a plan to screw with Mike Lane from the beginning for what Destiny went through with Desmond Cross.
Andre Aquarius tries to muscle in on Vinnie Lane’s girl much to Vinnie’s anger
The Shark defeated Jim Jenkins, Doctor Evil and Creeping Death with the Sushi Kick on Jim Jenkins
Dani Kersh and Phoebe Outlaw are planning Dani’s party backstage as Dani chides Phoebe for her actions last week
Doubt defeated Andre Aquarius with the Second Guess
Two mysterious detectives talk about the Asylum, the subordinate begging to bring in Hysteria as with him they can bring down the Doctor as his boss agrees but forces him to step back from the investigation
Alex Reese defeated Vlad the Impaler with the Head Spinner
Gavin tells why he wants to help Axel as his carer Lilith reluctantly agrees to let him do it
Brent Kersh wishes his daughter a happy birthday as Dani tries to patch things up between Brent and Phoebe but to no avail
The good Doctor applauds his patients as he gets Doubt and Smiley to hand over the tag titles, which they do very reluctantly
Hardcore Championship Match: Ash Williams defeated Smiley with a Matthew Cories crowbar shot to the skull to retain the Hardcore title
Doctor Evil attacks Ash once more before challenging to a final match at Heavy Metal
Nigel Royal taunts the fallen Max Million as he revels in the hell he put him through as Max returns to his old MnM persona, promising to knock Nigel out for what he did
Hysteria defeated Vinnie Lane with a rollup
Pedro and Lux try and baptise Nox but Nox escapes, warning that they’ll both pay for trying to derail his mission
Pig defeated Marvolo with the Day The World Went Away
Jim Jenkins taunt Vlad who stalks Jenkins before pouncing, beating him to unconsciousness and begins to suck down his blood
Destiny is beside herself with her father’s betrayal as she makes Mike Lane promise to end Errol Flint once and for all next week
Mike Lane and James Hunter defeated Nox and Lux Bellator with the Shadow Kick to Nox Bellator
Jake Jeckel tries to fake Marvolo out with a fake letter from Raquel but ends up laid out with a White Tiger Driver on the concrete
Bruce Van Chan tries to celebrate his victory last week only to be interrupted by Red River Jack, who fakes him out and causes Bruce to knock his wife out cold much to his horror and shame.
Gavin tries to make friends with the Shark by giving him a feast, which the Shark takes…by feasting on unfortunate victims outside the door
Brent Kersh defeated Jake Jeckel with the Lone Star
Mike Lane and Destiny nearly get crushed by a massive crate which seems to be an accident.
Anna Goodchild is still out for Neptune’s blood as she falls into a secret room which seems to be her lucky day
Bobby Neptune defeated Phoebe Outalw with the Pillars of Creation
Luther sends Pig after Scarecrow who simply warns Luther that if he dares try him once more, Luther and Pig will suffer the consequences
Police officers come to arrest Hysteria only for Alex Reese to come in and attack Hysteria as the pair of them get arrested
US Championship Match: Bruce Van Chan defeated Nigel Royal with the Shot Through The Heart to retain the US Championship
Dani’ Kersh’s birthday party is about to begin but the room is trashed and to the utter anger of Brent Kersh and Phoebe Outlaw, someone has kidnapped Dani Kersh and written ‘Sinner’ on the wall
Monday Night Showcase #48-No Sanctuary:
Bruce Van Chan reveals that Paige was pregnant and his stupid punch last week cost them the baby. Red River Jack comes out, telling Bruce he knew all along, showing him the simple signs before leaving a pregnancy test at Bruce’s feet as Bruce falls to his knees at his loss.
Andre Aquarius defeated Wes Cleaver with the #FUCCBOYUANT
Phoebe Outlaw and Brent Kersh talk over their gameplan as they witness two goons kidnap Bobby Neptune before seeing the All Star title written with Sinner as well.
Max Million defeated Vlad the Impaler with the Bad Intent
Wes Cleaver is enjoying hot wings backstage before he uses someone’s turban to clean his hands which pisses off Abdul Mohammed as the pair brawl before Wes gets away
Phoebe Outlaw defeated Jim Jenkins after Jenkins gets himself disqualified with the Have a Seat
The Shark pretends to be Axel once more, faking out Gavin Davis before attacking him brutally
Flag Match: Marvolo defeated Abdul Mohammed with the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique to grab the US flag
Pig and Luther go to set the cornfield alike, the scarecrows forcing them onto a Perch in the middle of the field before they manage to set everything ablaze
Pig defeated Anna Goodchild with the Day The World Went Away
Doubt and Smiley are annoyed at having to give up the tag belts but the Doc has the perfect solution, they will fight against one another next week
Ash finally accepts Doctor Evil’s challenge, making it a Ladder Match to finish this thing once and for all
MnM tries to get his revenge against Nigel Royal but thanks to his security team, Max can’t lay a finger on Nigel
Lux Bellator defeated James Hunter with a small package
Lux Bellator pretends to be on the same page with Nox, suckering him in for a beating as he takes the mask from Nox before revealing he was playing with Father Pedro all along
Jake Jeckel defeated Ash Williams with the Juggalo Jackhammer
Jim Jenkins has been feeling wrong since Vlad’s feeding as Vlad explains he’s turning, to the horror of Jenkins
Alex Reese defeated The Scarecrow with the Head Spinner
Marvolo bursts into an office of Immigration, demanding that they gave Raquel back before he finds out that they had nothing to do with Raquel given they know she’s here legally as Jake jeckel makes a call that leaves him unsteady
Nigel Royal defeated Red River Jack with the Dungeons of London
Lillith Evans tries to get Errol Flint to do something but Errol is furious himself as he threatens legal action before saying he can make it all go away with some illicit behind closed door deal
Bruce Van Chan defeated Brent Kersh with the Shot Through The Heart
Hysteria and Alex Reese get interrogated as the detective reveals Doctor D’Ville is under investigation for several murders, including Hysteria’s family but Hysteria doesn’t care.
Andre Aquarius is putting the moves on Roxy backstage once more before Vinnie Lane takes him down with a guitar as he drags Roxy away
Anna Goodchild has Bobby Neptune and Dani Kersh both bound as she looks to purify them with holy light before Brent Kersh and Phoebe Outlaw burst in and save the pair from the fire
Gauntlet Match: Mike Lane defeated Smiley, Doubt, The Shark and Hysteria (Smiley eliminated first with the Shadow Kick, The Shark eliminated with Rolling in the Fast Lane, Hysteria eliminated with the Shadow Kick and Doubtr eliminated with a Shadow Kick)
Mike Lane calls for Errol Flint as Flint agrees only if he doesn’t win Mike lane is fired before Destiny turns on Mike, laying him out as Mike Lane has been fired from OSW
Monday Night Showcase #49-Through The Cracks:
Red River Jack visits Paige in the hospital as she begs him to stop before he reveals at Heavy Metal he’ll finish Bruce off once and for all
Destiny and Errol Flint taunt Mike Lane, Destiny revealing she was part of the plan all along as she was always the victim. James Hunter is pissed as Mike Lane’s gone before Hunter can take the title before he’s destroyed by Pig
Scarecrow is pissed as Luther calls him out but it’s a distraction as Pig skewers him with a Pitchfork only for Crow to vanish and warn them of what is to come
Scarecrow defeated Jake Jeckel, Pig, and Nigel Royal with the Super Bye Bye Birdie on Nigel Royal
Nox Bellator is furious with how blind Father Pedro has been as he announces that he’ll fight Lux Bellator in a mask vs. mask match at Heavy Metal
Vinnie Lane is furious as he challenges Andre Aquarius to a match at Heavy Metal, if Andre wins, he gets Roxy for a month but if Vinnie wins, he gets Roxy to sign a restraining order against Andre
Max Million defeated Abdul Mohammed with the Bad Intent
Jim Jenkins wants to be cured as Vlad reluctantly agrees if Jim can beat him in a match again
Hysteria defeated Vlad the Impaler with the Lost Hope
Wes is trying to read backstage as Abdul is pissed, ripping up his playboy and knocking him out with a Superkick
Nigel Royal tries to go home but finds out his driver is Max Million who proceeds to beat him down and drive off with him in tow
Creeping Death and the Shark defeated Wes Cleaver and Andre Aquarius with the Asylum Special on Wes Cleaver
Brent Kersh and Bobby Neptune exchange pleasantries before after Brent Kersh walks off, Phoebe Outlaw knocks Bobby out cold with the All Star Championship to the skull
Nox Bellator defeated Jim Jenkins with the Darkness Falls
Anna Goodchild warns Brent Kersh of his falsehood in stopping the sacrifice to the Lord last week
Brent Kersh defeated Anna Goodchild with the Lone Star
Max Million tries to bury Nigel Royal alive only to just be stopped by Royal’s security team
Smiley defeated Doubt with the Hideous Laughter
Smiley and Doubt demand their titles back as the Doc agrees to a match for them at Heavy Metal, Smiley and Doubt versus Doctor D’Ville and Creeping Death much to their shock
Vane appears once more, demanding to know if Errol knew all along as Flint reveals he did but Vane wasn’t supposed to find out, just being another pawn in a much larger game.
Hardcore Championship Match: Vinnie Lane defeated Ash Williams after tossing him from top of a ladder to become the new Hardcore Champion- Vinnie Lane is the 12th Champion and 2nd reign overall
Ash finally snaps, beating down Doctor Evil with a ladder before he’s dragged away by security
Detention Match: Red River Jack defeated Marvolo after a Seein’ Red to throw Marvolo into the classroom and lock the door
Gavin Davis come out to give a big speech to the crowd only for Errol Flint to announce he’s wrestling once more at Heavy Metal, much to Gavin’s dismay. His opponent the Shark comes out, absolutely destroying Gavin but leaving just enough to fight at Heavy Metal
Final Exam Match: Lux Bellator defeated Bobby Neptune with the Disciple Maker on a steel chair for the ten count
Bruce Van Chan attacks Red River Jack with barbed wire backstage, showing just a hint of mercy before walking away to Jack’s hysterical laughter
Marvolo rushes in on Jake Jeckel, furious about Raquel as he knocks Jake out cold before telling his associate that Jake better have Raquel there at Heavy Metal or else.
US Championship Steel Cage Match: Bruce Van Chan defeated Alex Reese after just leaping out the door in time to retain the US Championship
Reese wakes up outside as Hysteria is there, holding a tank of gas and a lighter as he proceeds to light Reese’s path who tries in vain to run away, just managing to escape while Hysteria looks on insane
Heavy Metal: *Note* all throughout the show a mysterious figure is seen watching on the rafters multiple events taking place
Howard Porter is out here once more with Mike Lane, as Errol Flint is pissed that the Network is trying to exert their control once more but an errant pyro that nearly takes out Porter forces Flint to give everyone what they want; reinstate Mike Lane and make the main event of Ring of Dreams officially Bruce Van Chan and Mike Lane.
Lilith tries to get through to Gavin Davis that tonight is going to be dangerous but he still is the optimistic naive guy he’s always been, still thinking he can get through to The Shark and bring back Axel
Safiy Allah defeated Wes Cleaver with the Baghdadi Hell
Ash tries to say goodbye to Matty who’s still stuck in being Doctor Evil.
Wes Cleaver tries to attack Safiy backstage but gets binned for his efforts
Alex Reese takes a call as someone is clearly frustrated with his results but Reese knows he can get through to Harrison one way or another
Vinnie Lane and Andre Aquarius talk more smack pre match
Hardcore Championship Match: Vinnie Lane defeated Andre Aquarius with the Heartbreaker to retain the Hardcore title
Roxy signs the restraining order as it’s tossed down on the unconscious Andre
Loser Leaves OSW Ladder Match: Ash Williams defeated Matthew Cories after grabbing the contract
Phoebe Outlaw rushes in on Bobby Neptune and Brent Kersh, saying that Dani’s been kidnapped once more
Nigel Royal tries to pick up a pair of fans but they get put off when Royal shows his locker room, which has been trashed by Max Million
Tag Team Championship Tornado Tag Iron Maiden Match: Smiley and Doubt defeated Creeping Death and Doctor D’Ville after Death turned on D’Ville, drilling him with a Bicycle Knee Strike to become the new OSW Tag Team Champions- Smiley and Doubt are the 9th Tag Team Champions
Death beats the crap out of Doctor D’Ville before laying out Smiley and Doubt too as they defend the Doc before walking away
School’s Out Match: The Shark defeated Gavin Davis with the Asylum Special
Brent finds Dani only to realise it’s a ploy all along as Dani Kersh turns on her father and sides with Phoebe Outlaw
Scarecrow tries to spook Luther and Pig as Pig is furious, crows swarming Luther as he vanishes before the pair appear in the ring going at it hard
Scarecrow defeated Pig with a Super Bye Bye Birdie
Marvolo rushes Jake trying to get him to give back Raquel but gets beaten down by jake’s security detail and knocked out by the Hatchet
Anna Goodchild tries to attack Bobby Neptune once more as Bobby has had enough, saying if she wants to convert him, try it the civil way which Goodchild considers
Mask versus Mask Match: Lux Bellator defeated Nox Bellator with the Catholic Cross
Nox takes off his mask voluntarily revealing the face of Solomon Rhodes, Lux’s old enemy before Solomon knocks Lux out cold and he and Father Pedro celebrate over the unconscious Bellator
Barbed Wire Match: Bruce Van Chan defeated Red River Jack with a barbed wire infused Van Chaninator
The Silver Shroud is revealed to be the one watching all night as he proclaims the Scarecrow is an evil he must end for justice sake
Heavy Metal Cage Match: Alex Reese, Brent Kersh, Marvolo, Max Million and Bobby Neptune defeated Hysteria, Phoebe Outlaw, Jake Jeckel, Nigel Royal and Anna Goodchild (Nigel Royal and Max Million escape first, Anna Goodchild escapes second, Brent Kersh and Phoebe Outlaw escape by going through the announce table, Marvolo escapes next before being taken down with a crossbody from the top by Jake Jeckel, Bobby Neptune then escape before with the help of a Bobby Neptune super Dropkick, Alex Reese manages to escape leaving Hysteria a broken mess)
Hysteria is arrested as Alex Reese is revealed to be an undercover officer of the law with suspicions Hysteria was the one who murdered his wife and child
Monday Night Showcase #50-Independence Day:
Reese interrogates Hysteria, saying he wants his help to get Doctor D’Ville, the real man he believes killed his family only for Hysteria to be let go, thanks to Doctor D’Ville
Doubt defeated Andre Aquarius with the Second Guess
Jake Jeckel is getting ready for a press conference as he’s not his usual cocky ass self thanks to Marvolo
Howard Porter arrives once more, giving Errol Flint a proposition from the Network Director himself
Hardcore Championship Match: Vinnie Lane defeated Pig with the Black Label Driver to retain the Hardcore title
The Silver Shroud is busy, brushing up on the victims of the Scarecrow before the Hayman himself begins to haunt the Shroud
Safiy Allah defeated Anna Goodchild with Allah’s Will
Johnny Gomez announces the next Sweet Dreams match as it’ll be for the Tag team titles, involving Safiy Allah, Chase Hero, Ash Williams, Creeping Death and the reigning tag team champions Knock Knock (Smiley and Doubt)
Chase Hero defeated Ash Williams with the Hero’s Duty
Solomon and Lux Bellator have a war of words as Solomon’s ministry of pain try and jump Lux who manages to escape in a beam of light
The Silver Shroud defeated The Shark with the Long Arm of the Law
Anna Goodchild tries to preach to Bobby Neptune but Neptune isn’t convinced
Nigel Royal and Solomon Rhodes defeated Max Million and Lux Bellator with the Dungeons of London on Lux Bellator
Max Million is furious he didn’t get his hands on Nigel as he attacks him viciously, taking down his guards before he gets faked out and locked out by bought off security guards
Smiley defeated Marvolo with the Chelsea Grin
Andre Aquariius tries to get into a 4th of July Party but gets stopped by the restraining order against him
Phoebe Outlaw defeated Alex Reese with the Northern Star Press
Marvolo sucks up to Raquel who he’s really glad to have back as Raquel tries to make out with him but Marvolo is still oblivious to her wants
Luther gets Pig to stay as James Hunter taunts his former friend with a single name ‘Andrea Walsh’ which gives the usual stoic monster pause
Brent Kersh defeated Jake Jeckel with the Southern Discomfort
Knock Knock beat down Saify Allah but are stopped from attacking Chase Hero as Ash Williams saves him, much to Hero’s anger
US Championship Match: Hysteria defeated Bruce Van Chan with Lost Hope to become the new US Champion- Hysteria is the 7th US Champion
Gavin Davis tries to do a ‘This is Your Life’ with The Shark which doesn’t go completely terrible but isn’t successful still
Allah and Death brawl after Safiy demands to know where Knock Knock are.
The Scarecrow defeated Bobby Neptune with the Bye Bye Birdie
Phoebe Outlaw and Dani Kersh revel in what they did to Brent Kersh last week only for Kersh to lay out Phoebe and tell his daughter that he wants Outlaw at Ring of Dreams
Marvolo crashes Jake’s press conference, announcing he’s dropping out and that he knows who is backing the Juggalo
James Hunter defeated Mike Lane with the Contradiction
Bruce Van Chan is backstage with Mike Lane when a digger crashes forward, coming within inches of smashing into both of them
Solomon orders his priests to find Lux Bellator as Father Pedro tells him that not only will he and Lux battle at Ring of Dreams but if Lux misses a single match between now and then, he’s fired.
Andre is pissed in the ring as Vinnie Lane taunts him once more before a large amount of blow up dolls are dropped onto him, burying Andre in artificial ass
Max Million defeated Andre Aquarius with the Bad Intent
Safiy Allah and Creeping Death once again go at it with neither man getting the advantage in their brawl
James Hunter defeated Anna Goodchild with the Quick Question elbow
Nigel Royal is beside himself at his security as Max Million is in his limo, drinking his champagne and hanging out with Nigel’s women before Royal orders his security guards to take him out.
Pig defeated Gavin Davis with the March of the Pigs Superkick
Mike Lane tries to look back at the security footage as Bruce Van Chan accuses him of being behind the attack which Lane believes Bruce was before the both have a drag out brawl
Marvolo defeated The Shark with a cheating rollup
Ash tries to help Chase backstage but Hero once again is dismissive of the older hero, Ash challenging him to a bet that Chase laps up, sure that he’lll outdo Williams.
Hardcore Championship Match: Vinnie Lane defeated Jake Jeckel with a Victory Roll to retain the Hardcore title
Lillith is beside herself with Gavin who refuses to leave until Axel is back but the Shark has other ideas, using Lillith as a hostage to force one last match out of Gavin Davis
Phoebe Outlaw defeated The Scarecrow with a cheating rollup
James Hunter comes out with Andrea Walsh as he reveals that she’s Pig’s mother which causes Pig pause and for a moment, he doesn’t follow Luther’s orders
The meeting with the head of the Network turns out to be a warning to Flint that someone is coming that wants blood and Flint should be afraid of
All Star Championship Match: Bobby Neptune defeated Solomon Rhodes with the Titan’s Crashdown to retain the All Star title
Brent Kersh tries to talk to his daughter but gets jumped from behind by Phoebe Outlaw who declares their match at Ring of Dreams will be No Holds Barred
Smiley/Doubt/Creeping Death defeated Safiy Alah, Chase Hero and Ash Williams with the Second Guess on Ash
Marvolo tries reveal Jake’s mystery backer but the tron goes out before he can
Bobby Neptune tries to show Anna Goodchild his side as she takes it completely the wrong way and galvanises her spirit to put him down
The Silver Shroud defeated The Sharkman with the Long Arm of the Law
Ash and Chase Hero seem to finally be on the same page right before Knock Knock begin to play mindgames once more
The Silver Shroud tries to find Scarecrow backstage only to be attacked by the Hayman and dragged backstage into his lair
Mike Lane and Bruce Van Chan defeated Hysteria and Alex Reese via the Shadow Kick on Alex Reese
The priests of pain beat down Lux Bellator before his match until Brent Kersh runs in and helps Lux
Security try and make Max Million move from Nigel’s limo but a furious MnM along with a broken champagne glass and a baseball bat get security to run away before bashing up the limo with the bat much to Royal’s anger
Brent Kersh defeated Lux Bellator with a Guilllotine/Lone Star combination
Alex Reese tries to talk sense into Hysteria who knocks him out cold with a barbed wire baseball bat
Monday Night Showcase #51:
The show begins with Silver Shroud tied up in Scarecrow’s lair as Shroud tells Crow that he’s here to make people remember what Scarecrow is as the Hayman revels in who he used to be before the Shroud manages to escape
Nyx defeated Dick Deveroux with Ashes to Ashes
Andre continues to try and get Roxy as he walks into the girls locker room only to get a heel to the nuts and a Black Label Driver into a toilet
Tommy Hawk defeated Jon Davenport with the Scalp
Marvolo is confident backstage before Raquel directs him to a tv screen as we see Jake interacting with his mysterious backer before Marvolo promises to reveal the backer next week
The four debuting stars tonight reveal they’ll be fighting off in a Four Way at Ring of Dreams
Vinnie Lane defeated Max Million with a pair of Superkicks
Micah Wright is interviewing Gavin Davis at home when the Shark tries to home invade
Detention Match: Safiy Allah defeated Doubt after an Allah’s Will to lock Doubt in the classroom
Safiy Allah is furious at Creeping Death who simply taunts the Chosen of Allah which drives Safiy into an insane rage
Destiny walks in on Errol Flint furiously packing to her dismay as he pawns off the Mike Lane and Bruce Van Chan situation on her because he has an incredibly important business meeting that may well change OSW forever
Scarecrow defeated Chase Hero with the Bye Bye Birdie
MnM is in the building as Nigel tries to get his security force on them but they’ve had enough, leaving Royal to MnM’s mercy as Nigel gets Max to stave off beating him down by giving him a Buried Alive match at Ring of Dreams
Creeping Death defeated Ash Williams with the Bicycle Knee Strike
Back at Gavin Davis’s home, The Shark demands a match of his own choosing at Ring of Dreams or Lillith gets it as Gavin agrees only for poor Micah Wright to suffer the wrath of the predator
Ash and Chase go hunting for Knock Knock as they get knocked down by a wave of blood from an elevator before Knock Knock attack as Ash and Chase barely fight them back to a standstill
The Shark defeated Anna Goodchild with the Asylum Special
Brent and Phoebe sign the contract for their match as the pair exchange last minute jabs at one another
Brent Kersh and Phoebe Outlaw defeated James Hunter and Pig with the Southern Discomfort on James Hunter
Solomon berates Lux Bellator once more before the Light Warrior appears in a blinding light alongside his own light warriors as Lux finally gets the upperhand on Solomon
Lux Bellator defeated Nigel Royal with the Arm of God
Anna plays mindgames once more but this time she may well have struck a nerve by mentioning Neptune’s ex fiancee
The Silver Shroud defeated Jake Jeckel with the Long Arm of the Law
Marvolo gate crashes the audition for Nigel Royals new head of security as Royal tests him, which Marvolo passes with his usual flying grace as a new relationship may have been formed
Smiley defeated Bruce Van Chan with the Hideous Laughter
Andrea Walsh thanks to the Question begs Pig to come back to her and walk away from Luther who treats him like an animal instead of a man
Marvolo defeated Hysteria with the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique
Reese tries to get Hysteria to give up Doctor D’Ville once more but Hysteria only wants Reese’s blood
Destiny Lane warns Bruce Van Chan about the real man Mike Lane is before a car conveniently nearly runs the both of them down
Ring of Dreams 2:
Vinnie Lane is despondent as Roxy hasn’t shown up despite needing to be here hours ago and she’s unreachable
KEG defeated Bad News Bear with a KegBomb
Ash and Chase Hero try and get the jump on Knock Knock but their spooky powers are too much for the two heroes
Tommy Hawk defeated Jon Davenport, Nyx and Dick Deveroux with the Scalp on Dick Deveroux
Earlier today Marvolo and Nigel Royal go over contract negotiations before they officially become the tag team of Ocean’s One
Vinnie Lane bursts into Andre’s locker room, demanding to know where Roxy is as Andre plays dumb. Vinnie reluctantly leavs so he can defend his title as Andre reveals that this was all just to fuck with Vinnie and take his title
Hardcore Championship Match: Vinnie Lane defeated Andre Aquarius after a Senton from the top of the ROD titantron to retain the Hardcore title
Vinnie Lane celebrates his title retention before Austin Fernando debuts, beating the crap out of his old nemesis before delivering a brutal punt kick that knocks him out cold with a Welcome to Oblivion punt
Marvolo begins to reveal who Jake’s mysterious backer is but Jeckel interferes and threatens Raquel but Marvolo has one up on him as the Royal security team come out to even the odds
Jake Jeckel defeated Marvolo with a Super Hatchet
James Hunter defeated Pig with the Quick Question
Andrea Walsh tries to get Pig to come with him but Pig destroys both her and James Hunter but as Luther tries to get Pig to come with him, Pig finally breaks free of his chains and puts Luther down with the Day the World Went Away
Goodchild tries to taunt Neptune once more but Neptune has had enough, verbally berating Goodchild before daring her to take the title from him
All Star Championship Match: Bobby Neptune defeated Anna Goodchild with the Titan’s Crashdown to retain the All Star title
Tommy Hawk and Nyx share a moment of solitude between the two of them as Jon Davenport tries to sneak out of the locker room but not sneaky enough for Nyx
Sweet Dreams Tag Team Championship Match: Smiley and Doubt defeat Saify Alah, Creeping Death, Ash Williams and Chase Williams (Safiya Allah eliminated first with a top of the cell Moonsault, Creeping Death eliminated by a Super Cause of Doubt, Chase Hero eliminated by the Pessimist’s End and Ash Williams eliminated by the Hideous Laughter) to retain the Tag Team Championship
Matthew Cories announce’s he’s back and coming to the brand new OSW show VHS
Shark Tank Match: Gavin Davis defeated The Shark after the Dragon Slayer
Nigel Royal tries to buy MnM off with all his money back plus interest as Max just wipes his ass with the check before heading out for their match
Buried Alive Match: Nigel Royal defeated Max Million after a German Suplex into the grave
The Silver Shroud defeated The Scarecrow with the Long Arm of the Law
Scarecrow gets placed onto the perch and lifted up high before burning into flames and seemingly dying as justice is finally served
US Championship Match: Hysteria defeated Alex Reese with the Lost Hope to retain the US Championship
D’Ville comes out to gloat over the unconscious Reese only for Hysteria to turn on the Doctor and he, Smiley, Doubt and the Shark to toss aside their former leader and state that the inmates now run the Asylum
Phoebe Outlaw defeated Brent Kersh with the Northern Star Press as Dani holds Brents leg down
Anonymous arrives, revealing they’ve been behind every hardship of the Kersh family the last few months. Brent Kersh gets beaten down as Phoebe Outlaw tries to help him but gets beaten down…with an axe. Anonymous takes off his mask to reveal that he’s been James Hunter all along
Ark Match: Lux Bellator defeated Solomon Rhodes after a Disciple Maker
Enraged, Solomon tries to bring a flood to the Schoolyard that’s just stopped by Lux as Solomon is dragged away by the Ministry of Light, still the same person he was before
The crowd is hyped up as Bruce Van Chan and Mike Lane exchange a few choice last minute words
Mid-way through the may, it looks like Bruce is about to get the victory when Jake Jeckel comes out, cashing in his Invasion briefcase
OSW World Championship Match: Jake Jeckel defeated Mike Lane and Bruce Van Chan with a steel pipe to Bruce Van Chan’s skull to become the new OSW World Champion; Jake Jeckel is the 10th OSW World Champion
Ring of Dreams ends with Errol Flint raising the hand of Jake Jeckel, the man who finally put down Mike Lane
Champions at the end of Season 3:
OSW World: Jake Jeckel (10th)
US: Hysteria (7th)
All Star: Bobby Neptune (6th)
Tag: Smiley/Doubt (9th)
Hardcore: Vinnie Lane (12th)