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In Klaus Way, Promo by Klaus Way

Happy? Happy? Happy now? I hear it like a drum beat each time the circus music plays. I hear it before I plaster on that smile and make the audience …

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In Jasper Redgrave, Promo by Jasper Redgrave

[The Gallery.] [But more specifically, the room that once housed the Embrace of Pain.] [Only now, it’s nearly empty.] [The room is immaculate, housing only a canvas with the letters …

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And The Dark Brown Dirt

In Gravedigger, Promo by Gravedigger

“Everyone fears the dirt.” “It’s natural. They know that once they come to rest within it, everything they are returns to the earth that surrounds them. Their bones become brittle …

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Beats By Dra(ven)

In Aurora, Promo by Aurora

“Yesterday I came across an old lady struggling across the road with some shopping. I think y’all know me by now, my first instinct was ‘ooh, help the old biddy, …

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In Narcissa Balenciaga, Promo by Narcissa Balenciaga

I figured with reconciliation that Zeus would cause me to lose some sleep but the only thing that’s been keeping me up at night lately has been that mind-killing emotion …

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In Captain Arcadia, Promo by Captain Arcadia

From the advertisements around Arcadia to the imagery in a story, they dot the world around us. With them they can speak a thousand words while being only an image, …

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The Lock

In Hatchet, Promo by Hatchet

“The funny thing about a lock, most people think you can’t open one without the right key.” “Imagine you’re some dipshit who wants to keep all his credits nice and …

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Leave Him Alone

In Jackson Cade, Promo by Jackson Cade

“Leave Joey alone!” “I can still remember the first day I really felt like a big brother.” “A bully from school, a pathetic, sociopathic little rat had followed Joey home. …