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In Jasper Redgrave, Promo by Jasper Redgrave

[The Gallery.] [But more specifically, the room that once housed the Embrace of Pain.] [Only now, it’s nearly empty.] [The room is immaculate, housing only a canvas with the letters …

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Family II: Failure

In Jasper Redgrave, Promo by Jasper Redgrave

[Sarah Jackson’s Memorial.] [A plot of land laid out with a headstone and flower arrangement to stand in memory of Sarah.] [Jasper Redgrave looks down at the headstone.] [He crouches, …


In Jasper Redgrave, Promo by Jasper Redgrave

[The Cade Family residence.] [Jasper Redgrave stands outside peering in through a window, unnoticed.] [Inside the house, the Cade family is gathered at the dinner table.] [A sight we’ve seen …

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In Jasper Redgrave, Promo by Jasper Redgrave

[Arcadia Police Department.] [The place is in shambles.] [The Uprising tears through the department with glee.] [The floor is littered with bodies of officers.] [Jasper Redgrave stands amongst the chaos …

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Another Casualty

In Jasper Redgrave, Promo by Jasper Redgrave

[The Red Light District.] [Or what used to be.] [Jasper Redgrave walks amongst the rubble and ash.] “This used to be a thriving level of Arcadia. Many of credits cycled …

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Dark Souls

In Jasper Redgrave, Promo by Jasper Redgrave

[Farron Keep.] [During the early years, the land that lays around you is full of bright and vibrant color.] [But now, it’s dark and grim. The pastures and fields of …

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Even Heroes Die

In Jasper Redgrave, Promo by Jasper Redgrave

[The room of a young girl.] [The walls and furniture is covered in pink.] [Standing amongst this sea of pink is none other than Jasper Redgrave.] [He walks over to …

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Let’s Chat

In Jasper Redgrave, Promo by Jasper Redgrave

[The Cade Family residence.] [The house is dark. Unoccupied.] [The front door opens, and Mary walks through the door with her arms fully of groceries.] [Suddenly, she shrieks.] [The bags …

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Funeral of a Nobody

In Jasper Redgrave, Promo by Jasper Redgrave

[Two headstones.] [One is covered with a tarp.] [The name on the other?] [Mikaela Attano.] “You and I.. we aren’t so different, Harold.” [Jasper Redgrave.] [He stands behind Mikaela’s headstone …