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In Promo, The Yellow Python by The Yellow Python

Everything comes to an end. Matches of high power die after the hand is swung up in victory. Friendships are brought to crushing ends. Organizations fall, and it all comes …

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Darkest Dungeon

In Promo, The Yellow Python by The Yellow Python

You remember our venerable house, opulent and imperial. It is a festering abomination! I beg you, return home, claim your birthright, and deliver our family from the ravenous clutching shadows …

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Wounded Beast

In Promo, The Yellow Python by The Yellow Python

When it comes to ecosystems, every living thing plays a role. From the largest trees to the smallest ant, from the humble deer to the ravaging wolf, every single thing …

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In Promo, The Yellow Python by The Yellow Python

Life. Death. Everything exists in a current cycle, changing back and forth. New creatures are born, exist in the best lives they can live, and then fall back into nothing. …

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In the Shadows

In Promo, The Yellow Python by The Yellow Python

There’s nothing quite like the cover of night, especially in the wilds of Arcadia. Where the lights dim, darkness grows and threatens to swallow you whole. Your vision becomes blurred, …

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In Promo, The Yellow Python by The Yellow Python

Have you ever thought about the trees? Green and brown towers that tie together, forming entire worlds of their own. Hidden above, an entirely diverse world of life thrives without …

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In Promo, The Yellow Python by The Yellow Python

THWACK! A yellow fist collides with a handheld pad, followed by a dodge as a red fist jabs towards him. We find that Yellow Python is training alongside his friends. …

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In Promo, The Yellow Python by The Yellow Python

“All it takes is a single spark.” “One bit of ignition, and you watch a world around you burn down. Every piece swallowed by that shine of a light that …

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Betrayal of Brothers

In Promo, The Yellow Python by The Yellow Python

“We were brothers once. At least, that’s what I thought.” [We find Python sitting ringside, the whole arena empty. There’s a stillness in Olympus that almost feels off.] “Look, I …