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Taking Over

In Harold Attano, Promo by Harold Attano

“Cowards lock themselves behind gates.  Beyond those gates, a once Terminal Man plots his way back to the power of the OSW Championship.  So desperate for that is he that …

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Playing You Off…

In Harold Attano, Promo by Harold Attano

Muerte, I guess you’re Zeus’s newly hired muscle, right?  The new lapdog, responsible for keeping the leaks plugged, and disposing of those who’ve outlived their usefulness?    He wants to …

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In Harold Attano, Promo by Harold Attano

Uprising…  What was it all about?  The war, the deaths, all of it, appears useless now.  Now that I know my daughter’s alive.  Now that my… “friend” has revealed his …

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Nobody’s Monsters

In Harold Attano, Promo by Harold Attano

We open on Harold Attano sitting at a table, mugshots spread out before him.  He locates the first, of Jasper Redgrave and his mind drifts back to Redgrave winning the …

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In Harold Attano, Promo by Harold Attano

The body and the heart must all be in equilibrium.  Not perfectly in line mind you but within a decent range.  However, when things get totally out of whack, all …

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Mirror Image

In Harold Attano, Promo by Harold Attano

“Every man you’ve killed is someone’s child, Attano. You can measure it however you want, however gets you to sleep at night, but you and he are hardly different.”  These …

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In Harold Attano, Promo by Harold Attano

For the last year, I’ve lived an Odyssey on par with the Iliad.  I started on Deathrow, where I was forced to end two men to gain my own freedom.    …

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Family Practice

In Harold Attano, Promo by Harold Attano

I’ve seen brutal things in my life. Nothing more than watching someone suffer through the slow death of an infection. The pain and inflammation lead to suffering at the worst …