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In Lionel Troy, Promo by Lionel Troy

Hallelujah, brothers and sisters! Gather ’round, because I’ve got a tale of deceit that’ll make your blood boil and your soul cry out for justice! This story, straight from the …

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Dear Colt

In Lionel Troy, Promo by Lionel Troy

Dear Colt, I write this to you from the depths of my heart, for it breaks to see the sorry state of the man you’ve become. When I think back …

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In Lionel Troy, Promo by Lionel Troy

[THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE FIRST CHURCH OF ZION] “Brothers and sisters, welcome back to the show! Today, I’ve got a tale that’ll knock your socks …

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In Lionel Troy, Promo by Lionel Troy

Praise be to Zion, who guides our every step, just as I guide you my beloved congregation… When I was a young boy, my favourite past time was playing a …

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In Lionel Troy, Promo by Lionel Troy

Lionel Troy has gathered his followers in an area close to the First Church of Zion. He strikes a match, tossing it into a nearby barrel. The congregation all gasp …

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Herd Mentality

In Lionel Troy, Promo by Lionel Troy

The Reverend Troy stands in a lush pasture of the Groves surrounded by a flock of newborn lambs. No more than a few days old, the young lambs look up …

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Shut That Door

In Lionel Troy, Promo by Lionel Troy

Lionel Troy cuts a lonely figure in the pulpit of the First Church of Zion. The congregation appear troubled; the absence of Colt Ramsey weighing heavy on their minds. “Today, …

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In Lionel Troy, Promo by Lionel Troy

Lionel Troy sits within the Vestry of the first Church of Zion. His feet rest upon a wooden desk alongside two canisters: One labelled Lion Tamer; the other Eternity. “Praise …

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Divine Juice

In Lionel Troy, Promo by Lionel Troy

“My beloved congregation… On behalf of Zion I welcome you back to this house! Today, the Almighty has appointed me to share somethin’ mightily important with you all!” “I’m talkin’ …

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Baptism [Part I]

In Lionel Troy, Promo by Lionel Troy

[The Reverend, Lionel Troy, stands front and centre upon the stage of his Church – barefoot, and with his trousers rolled up to both knees.] “Brothers and sisters… Is the …