[As Felix Foley stands in front of a towering garbage can inferno, Doom kneels before a bucket, filling the water with bags of ice.] “I’ve always considered myself a cold …
Laws of Motion
[Doom stands in front of a white board with various calculations upon it.] “You may have heard of Newton’s laws of motion.” [He sighs.] “First; a body remains at rest, …
The Diary Of Someone Who Doesn’t Want To Write A Diary Entry
DIARY ENTRY THREE – FOLEY’S DOOM’S LOG. Dear Diary, Felix has forced me to pen something in his ridiculous little journal. What you don’t know about this little book is …
“Some people say that blood is thicker than water.” “But those people seriously devalue the importance of water.” “A human being for example is up to sixty percent water.” “The …
The Bookcase
[Doom stands in a library of sorts, surrounded by books inside large cases that stand from floor to ceiling.] [There’s a ladder up against one of the bookcases. He walks …
The Candy Store II: Jawbreaker
Doom watches Foley walk out the door and nods at his mother, who follows him out into the Agora street. Doom stands back, turning his eyes to the owner behind …
[Years Previously.] [Stubbins Doom stands in front of a large operating table. He’s wearing scrubs and appears to be placing body parts together, connecting tissue and bone. It’s exhausting work …
Scrooge McDoom
[Doom uncharacteristically stands in the middle of the ring. In his hand, a shovel. Beside him is a steel chair.] [Doom] “Felix Foley says that I’m a scrooge.” [He growls …
Sports Day
As a boy, I was extremely competitive. I had to be the best at everything. If I had an assignment due for class, it had to be an A+. If …
No Hover, No Bother
[Forty five years ago.] [A young Stubbins Doom stands beside his father, who lays on his back on a sliding bench, beneath an unusual style of craft. The craft itself …