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In Promo, Stubbins Doom by DOOM

“Some people say that blood is thicker than water.” “But those people seriously devalue the importance of water.” “A human being for example is up to sixty percent water.” “The …

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The Bookcase

In Promo, Stubbins Doom by DOOM

[Doom stands in a library of sorts, surrounded by books inside large cases that stand from floor to ceiling.] [There’s a ladder up against one of the bookcases. He walks …

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In Promo, Stubbins Doom by DOOM

[Years Previously.] [Stubbins Doom stands in front of a large operating table. He’s wearing scrubs and appears to be placing body parts together, connecting tissue and bone. It’s exhausting work …

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Scrooge McDoom

In Promo, Stubbins Doom by DOOM

[Doom uncharacteristically stands in the middle of the ring. In his hand, a shovel. Beside him is a steel chair.] [Doom] “Felix Foley says that I’m a scrooge.” [He growls …

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The Horses

In Promo, Stubbins Doom by DOOM

[The Racetrack. Felix doesn’t like places like this. He says it always feels inhumane. Something about watching ‘Horsey’s’ get their butt slapped by grown men is somewhat perturbing.] [Felix Foley] …