The Bookcase

DOOMPromo, Stubbins Doom

[Doom stands in a library of sorts, surrounded by books inside large cases that stand from floor to ceiling.]

[There’s a ladder up against one of the bookcases. He walks over and climbs it, reaching a shelf.]

Doom: “I like order. Every book I own is meticulously and carefully organized. In this instance, they’re sorted alphabetically. This level is B. From the very first to the very last on this shelf, you’ll find books that begin with B, organized by their second, third and fourth letter if necessary.”

[He runs his hand across the books, stopping at one in particular that reads ‘Betrayal; The Boy’s Lament’.]

[Doom sighs, pulling the book from the case.]

Doom: “There’s an order of things, young James. I prefer that. My entire existence is crafted by order. Every aspect of it is controlled. If it can be, it will be. Everything I own is stored with order. Everything I create is created with a sense of order and purpose.”

[He tosses the book aside.]

Doom: “Look at my bookcase now.”

[He looks back at it.]

Doom: “The removal of that one insignificant book has caused a minute version of chaos. As you can see, the largeness of the book in comparison to the others has caused an issue. The book next to it has now collapsed into the void left by the one removed.”

[The bookcase shows three or four books now toppled to their left.]

Doom: “What happens if I remove yet another book, I hear you ponder?”

[Doom slides down the rail of the bookcase to further down the section of B’s and takes another one out.]

Doom: “A quandary, I’m certain.”

[This book is called ‘The Burning Traitor’.]

[Doom tosses it violently aside and to the ground below.]

[The books on the shelf have now fallen into disorder in two sections. There’re large gaps in which other books have fallen into. Doom grunts.]

Doom: “When Felix Foley and I created The Pool Boys, it was to instruct order over Old School Wrestling. Justice. How that became reality is of no importance. What you and your father claim I did to you with the Odyssey Pool is of no consequence. What matters is that we welcomed you into our family; our bookcase.”

[The Tag Team Champion steps down the ladder to the floor below, waving over to a grunt who rushes forward to pick the books up.]

[Doom looms over him.]

Doom: “Your decision, along with your father, to leave the confines of our structure and order, risks creating disorder everywhere. I can’t have that, young James. I simply cannot abide it.”

Grunt: “Sir, would you like me to put these books back in the bookcase?”

[He scoffs.]

Doom: “I could, grunt. I could have both books placed back into the bookcase and once again create order. Just like I could bend and break Destructo Boy and The Burned Man to my will and return them to The Pool Boys.”

[He shakes his head.]

Doom: “But no, I won’t and neither will you. Find two new books for the bookcase and return it to order.”

[The grunt nods.]

The other two will bow before Doom.