Ten Year Anniversary

On February 22nd, Old School Wrestling celebrates its ten year anniversary of non stop wrestling. No breaks. No Pauses. No year off inbetween. When we say we've been open for ten years, we mean it. To celebrate it, our Main Event of that classic show due on February 24th will involve four members of the roster who've been here since the beginning in a Fatal Four Way Match.


Another Anniversary Match

The above announcement isn't all because if Anton Savor is still Champion by the ten year anniversary show, he'll be defending his Double Feature Championship against Drewitt. If he isn't, then they'll be doing battle none the less. Did Savor come out the victor against Captain Arcadia at Thunderstrike to set this match as a title bout?

When the War begins, the safest place might just be the Warzone.




This week on Warzone, those offered a Golden Ticket into Invasion last week at Thunderstrike have choices to make. Meanwhile, there's still two tickets left. Who'll be invited to take part? The Main Event on the other hand see's Gravedigger and Mister Sunshine do battle in what should be an epic encounter.

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The Measuring Stick

Ten years of excellence.

Old School Wrestling , est 2015. 

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