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In Nox, Promo by Nox

Drip, drip, drip, drip the sink in my lab has leaked for the last week it’s…   Well, it’s annoying.  Like the continuous tap, tap, tapping of a rodent that’s …

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Unstable Bonds

In Nox, Promo by Nox

Unstable bonds…  In chemistry, they’re combinations of chemicals that, when put together, you can wind up losing a few fingers, a limb, or even your life.    I see it …

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What Will You Become

In Nox, Promo by Nox

*Click* A bluescreen comes to life, we hear the familiar sound of someone blowing into a cartridge. Then we hear a couple more clicks then the screen goes back before …

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Three Blinded Mice

In Nox, Promo by Nox

We open on Nox working on another concoction.  We see he’s sitting in front of a terrarium where three mice wander inside.  “Three mice, their lives up to this point, …

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Laughing Man

In Nox, Promo by Nox

We open in Nox’s gas chamber as we wander through, we hear something most unexpected… riotous laughter.  As the man himself comes into the shot we see a CRT TV, …

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Pulpit: A Prologue

In Nox, Promo by Nox

Inside the Church of Zion, the parishioners mill about hushed murmurs fill the air when there’s a slow clapping that can be heard.  The murmurs quiet and the parishioners’ attention …

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In Nox, Promo by Nox

My first experience with gases was fumigation.  We had these little cockroaches starting to invade our home.  Getting in our food with their carrying their illnesses and bacteria on their …

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Boiling Point

In Nox, Promo by Nox

My first experiment as a child was when I found a frog.  I decided I would put it in a pot of water and let it swim and slowly I …

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Breath It In

In Nox, Promo by Nox

We open on Nox in an undisclosed laboratory behind him sitting on a table is the OSW NXT Level Championship.  “I’ve lived my last years like a caged rat.  Having …

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Breath Deep…

In Nox, Promo by Nox

Observation is my favorite part of the scientific method and I’ve been studying the inhabitants of Deathrow for years now.  They think they’re in control of their destiny? That the …