We open on Nox working on another concoction. We see he’s sitting in front of a terrarium where three mice wander inside.
“Three mice, their lives up to this point, within their normal parameters. Destined to continue their paths unless…”
Soon we hear a hum and yellow gas fills the sealed terrarium and the mice start to scatter.
“Unless acted upon by an outside force. Now blinded by their own fears they will try to protect themselves until they realize…”
There’s the whirring of an exhaust fan as the gas dissipates and there is the sound of a door opening and we see Nox slide a cat into the terrarium with the mice.
“The nightmares they’re experiencing are about to be made very real. Which is what’s about to happen to Ken, Blaze, and Destructo Boy. Three little mice…”
We see the cat slip into hunting mode dragging its belly along the floor of the terrarium while stalking its prey.
“Ken is already blinded by the tragedy of losing his dojo and assorted students. His mind is already clouded.”
There’s a loud *THUNK!* as the cat bats one of the mice into the glass as it falls to the terrarium floor. As we see one of the other mice chasing its tail.
“Blaze is blinded by realizing his own version of what he calls, ‘justice’ that he might as well be chasing his own tail.”
The cat sees the mouse scurrying to capture its own tail and lifts it into its mouth shaking it until it goes limp. As Nox sees only one mouse remaining, he dutifully opens the enclosure and extracts the cat and the final mouse setting the cat on his lap as he stares intently at the surviving mouse.
“Then we have Destructo Boy, then man who believes he can use me to bring peace to this situation. He is truly the blindest of them all, believing at some point that were equals, he would do right to remember this will never be the case.”
Nox opens the terrarium again and casts the final mouse back into it with an unceremonious *THUMP!* and starts petting the cat.
“Because here’s the conclusion to our little experiment, all of these men will need to breathe deep, and realize that the true Arcadian Predator has been unleashed in their little world. Stalking them, shaking them, hurting them where the pain will be felt the most, deep in their psyches. Because they’re blinded to their causes, honor, justice, family, all are nothing but vapor in the presence of Nox.”
We see a twinkle in Nox’s eyes, the closest thing we can get to a smile on his masked face as he continues petting his cat.
“They’ll all come to my home and at the moment they cross the threshold they’ll remember my words. ‘In the end, everything dies’ and in that moment, they’ll realize it’s just their turn.”