And The Dark Brown Dirt

GravediggerGravedigger, Promo

“Everyone fears the dirt.”

“It’s natural. They know that once they come to rest within it, everything they are returns to the earth that surrounds them. Their bones become brittle and fragile, their flesh melts into the mud and their souls reside elsewhere.”

“That prospect is a terrifying one for every soul in Arcadia. When The Burned Man felt his flesh searing on the bone, he probably wished for the dirt. He probably wished that when his time came, it wasn’t in an inferno, burning to death. He likely wished that for the cold embrace of a coffin, six feet under.”

“But now he and his son find themselves between a rock and a hard place. They find themselves between the devil and the dark brown dirt.”

“And for some reason, they fear the devil.”

“When what they should fear is the dark brown dirt.”

“Doom and Foley want to bury you alive in your sins, Burning Justice. They want to take you beneath the ground and have you rot for the things you’ve done to them. We don’t want that. That isn’t our goal. What we want is for you to come home, back to where you were loved and adored. Back to when Six Feet Under were your brothers and sisters in the devil himself.”

“They want to destroy you. They want to see your end, and for what? Betrayal? The devil cares not for betrayal. The devil adores betrayal. He adores every evil trait you could possibly imagine and what you did to Doom and his factory, that was a blessing. It wasn’t a failure. It wasn’t a curse. It was a success story.”

“We’re the devil, and the dirt beneath our feet is what you should be afraid of. That’s the end. That’s always been the end. When the fire raged and consumed you, it wasn’t the end. When Doom gets his hands on you, the ground is where you’ll reside and that will be your end.”

“Come with us, Burning Justice.”

“Come and meet your new beginning, not your end. Come see the devil in all his glory. Join Six Feet Under, help us win the Tag Team Championships and show The Besties that in a battle between the rock and a hard place… in a battle between the devil and the dark brown mud…”

“The devil is where you’d rather be.”