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Snake Venom Milking

In Mr. Kleen, Promo by Mr. Kleen

Inside a broom closet, we see several jars of a bright yellow liquid lined up on a shelf. Humming can be heard as we zoom out, revealing Mr. Kleen polishing …

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Leading the Pack

In Mr. Kleen, Promo by Mr. Kleen

We appear before Kleen as he’s polishing his mahogany desk of any and all dust. He hums a jaunty tune as he does this, seemingly happy despite his actions and …

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Praise be to Kleen

In Mr. Kleen, Promo by Mr. Kleen

[Inside the supply closet of the Arcadian Censorship Authority building, Mr. Kleen is seen praying in front of a makeshift altar. We don’t get to see what’s on said altar, …

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Cleaning the Suit

In Mr. Kleen, Promo by Mr. Kleen

[We appear before a bathtub inside someone’s home. Standing beside it, dunking his uniform into the waters is a still masked Mr. Kleen.] “Lately, I’ve noticed my suit hasn’t been …

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The Kleen System

In Mr. Kleen, Promo by Mr. Kleen

[We appear on the same stage that Tucker Goode was preaching abstinence on a few weeks ago. At upstage center, we see a variety of hygiene products with Mr. Kleen’s …

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Attempted Sabotage

In Mr. Kleen, Promo by Mr. Kleen

[Mr. Kleen is seen in the company break room, nursing his head from the chair shot sustained from Roderick Pym with an ice pack. He groans as he holds it …

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In Mr. Kleen, Promo by Mr. Kleen

[Mr. Kleen is seen standing still inside a room of the ACA offices, staring at something we cannot see. His eyes show absolute contempt for whatever it is he sees.] …

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You Will Not Leave a Mess

In Mr. Kleen, Promo by Mr. Kleen

[Inside Mr. Kleen’s office before the Kingdom have stormed the ACA building, we see the custodial manager taking stock of his cleaning supplies. He judges which need replacing by picking …