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Leave Him Alone

In Jackson Cade, Promo by Jackson Cade

“Leave Joey alone!” “I can still remember the first day I really felt like a big brother.” “A bully from school, a pathetic, sociopathic little rat had followed Joey home. …

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In Jackson Cade, Promo by Jackson Cade

“Darkness.” “As I walked into the Gallery for what I hoped was the last time, I was bathed in nothing but the infinite blackness of Redgrave’s evil soul.” “Men screamed, …

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Written in Red

In Jackson Cade, Promo by Jackson Cade

“You know, when I first joined the Eagle Unit, I was obsessed with doing things ‘by the book’. I followed the law to the letter, could name you any rules …

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I Wish You Were Dead

In Jackson Cade, Promo by Jackson Cade

“‘I wish you were dead.‘” “Those words left my mouth countless times when we were growing up, Joey. You and I always had our disagreements, always had something to fight …

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The Wrong Side of Heaven

In Jackson Cade, Promo by Jackson Cade

The Eagle’s Nest. It’s after hours, left dark and empty save for a single desk light on an empty desk, one with the placard reading ‘Jackson Cade’. “What is ‘Paradise’? …

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Resident Evil

In Jackson Cade, Promo by Jackson Cade

“Hello, anyone here?” The voice of Jackson Cade echoes throughout the remains of a decimated laboratory. Dead scientists decorate the halls and research papers cover the floors, the likes of …

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In Jackson Cade, Promo by Jackson Cade

Jackson Cade. The officer sits in front of a mirror, checking himself over, the words of his father ringing in his ears. “I have to find Joey. But I know …

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Lady Justice

In Jackson Cade, Promo by Jackson Cade

“They say justice is blind, but I’m starting to think she can see crystal clear.” The words of Jackson Cade are slightly slurred, the former Eagle Unit member sits at …

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In Jackson Cade, Promo by Jackson Cade

Jackson sits in his home, a wall of newspaper clippings in front of him, every last one torn from the obituary section of one of Arcadia’s newspapers. He runs his …