Written in Red

Jackson CadeJackson Cade, Promo

“You know, when I first joined the Eagle Unit, I was obsessed with doing things ‘by the book’. I followed the law to the letter, could name you any rules or regulations to the line and paragraph.”

“Riggs taught me that the only thing that mattered was doing things the right way.”

“But, what he never told me, was that the book I followed was written by the most corrupt people in Arcadia. The laws and legislation were never placed on paper for the common man. They were put there to protect those in power, to ensure that no matter what, nothing could stick to them.”

“Step out of line and you’ll find yourself locked up like Attano and Joey, or kept on a short leash like I was.”

“Because they don’t want you to solve crime, they only want you to enforce their policies. The book was written in the blood of the innocents.”

“And I’m just about fucking tired of reading the red on the page.”

“Your husband wrote that book himself, didn’t he, Narcissa? Him and Gordon dug their pens deep into the inkwell of humanity and laid out mandates that oppressed the masses while leaving them to enjoy luxury in the levels above. And you? You sat back, you saw as they crafted a book of inequality and you laughed. It existed for them, it existed for you.”

“Until that no longer rang true.”

“He cast you out of his haven, forced you into despair, and you did everything in your power to try and fight back. Took those in Deathrow, tried to overthrow his corrupt government… But as soon as he offered you the comfort the laws had allotted you? You turned your back on your mission.”

“Splattering the halls of Olympus in that crimson ink.”

“I bet you think you’re so smart, don’t you? That nothing can touch you or your most loyal followers in Nox and Redgrave? You hide behind the law, pointing at the rules that simply call you untouchable.”

“But that just isn’t true, you know.”

“See, at Ring of Dreams, after all that had happened, I had a chat with Mick. He gave me something that changed my life, and it’s going to change yours.”

“He gave me his badge.”

“His pen.”

“I’ve spent far too long following a law that was never meant for me, Narcissa. But now? I have all the power in the world to rewrite them. I can use the badge on my chest like a pen to paper and write a new book that let’s me do what needs to be done.”

“And you best fucking believe that before the ink even has time to dry that I’ll have put you and your friends down like the criminals you are.”

“Everything you’ve said can and will be used against you. All the atrocities, the blood shed? I’m calling that probable cause to take your head off.”

“No one’s above the Law, Narcissa.”

“And now, more than ever?”

“I am the Law.”