
Jackson CadeJackson Cade, Promo


“As I walked into the Gallery for what I hoped was the last time, I was bathed in nothing but the infinite blackness of Redgrave’s evil soul.”

“Men screamed, prayers were thrown into the void.”

“And the darkness persisted.”

“The thing about darkness that people don’t tell you is how isolating it feels, how worryingly endless it seems. You don’t know what lies inside, nor what sits beyond it.”

“Yet, as terrible as it is… I don’t fear the dark. Any man can turn off the lights, control the shadows and claim to hold the power of fear over your heart.”

“But that’s not true.”

“It doesn’t take courage to hide in the shadows, to blind the world to your actions. No, it only takes a coward to cloak himself in a shroud of blackness.”

“The dark is nothing to fear.”

“Because in the end, all it is is the absence of light.”

“And with the flick of my thumb, I can turn on my flashlight and bathe the room in a ray of brightness that eradicates the oppressive darkness as quickly as it came.”

“Revealing to myself, and to the world, the deviousness that lie beyond.”

“You claim to be the Lord of Darkness, Malakai. You and your Midnight Owls sit behind the scenes until the lights go out and only then do you reveal yourselves to Arcadia in your foul attempt to bring about hell to our innocent home.”

“Even now, you sit behind a pillar of gloom in Tombstone and his ilk. The shadows are your shield, the mask you wear to hide your cowardice from the people around you. While most of Arcadia looks upon you in fear, terrified of the creatures lurking beyond their vision…”

“All I see is the fearful face of a man who shies away from the light around him.”

“Just like Redgrave, just like Tombstone, you’re nothing without the cloak you wear. At every turn you try and cast shadows upon your enemies. You turned out the lights on Raven, you dragged him into the void and convinced him the darkness was a safer, more comfortable place to be. You took a hero and made him reject the light because he too feared the reality he left behind.”

“Well, I’m tired of the eternal night you’ve held over the heads of Arcadia. I’m exhausted watching you run, manipulate, and hide as you find the perfect time to strike.”

“So I’m doing to you what I did in that fucking Gallery.”

“And I’m turning on the lights.”

“Me and Joey? We’re the flames that obliterate the darkness, the ever burning lights that decimate your domain. You’re the Lord of Darkness, but a lord is nothing without any darkness left to control.”

“Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, Malakai.”

“Just you, Gravedigger, and the shining light of justice shedding its blinding rays upon you.”

“No one is above the Law, Midnight.”

“And so long as my light still shines?”

“I am the Law.”