Leave Him Alone

Jackson CadeJackson Cade, Promo

“Leave Joey alone!”

“I can still remember the first day I really felt like a big brother.”

“A bully from school, a pathetic, sociopathic little rat had followed Joey home. He was demented, terrifying, the kind of kid who’s smile could make your blood run cold. He didn’t care about anything but inflicting pain for his own sick enjoyment. We were all scared of him, and he took full advantage of it.”

“So when Joey ran away from him, he gave chase all the way back to our house, threatening to carve his initials right into Joey’s arm. I can still hear him screaming, crying for aid.”

“And that’s when I stepped onto our front porch.”

“Was I scared? Of course I was. I’d seen what happened to his victims. The bloody noses, the broken arms.”

“But you know? As I stared him down? I didn’t think about the consequences.”

“All I know is I threw a right hand to the jaw and I felt him crumple to the ground.”

“He could take it out on me all he wanted.”

“I just wanted Joey to be safe.”

“Even as an adult, despite all that’s happened, I still want him to be safe.”

“The more things change, the more they stay the same, Jasper. Because no matter how long I’ve gone in life, no matter where I am in my story? I feel like I’ve spent my entire god damned life putting up with bullies like you. With sniveling, violent, men who want nothing more than to torment those around them.”

“And why?”

“Because it makes you feel strong, feel powerful when people shy away. You live to be feared, to push the populace around while you take your frustrations out on them.”

“Joey’s just your latest target, isn’t he?”

“You had him in your clutches, you pushed him around in Deathrow… But now he’s ran from you, hasn’t he? He took off down the road and you just can’t let that happen. He needs to be punished for wronging you, he needs to feel the terror in his heart as you carve a piece of art into his skin.”

“But there’s something standing in your way between you and your prey, isn’t there?”

“Someone who isn’t afraid of you anymore. Someone with something to fight for.”

“You have me.”

“For months, I admit, I was terrified of you, Jasper. I saw all the horrible, twisted things you did to your victims and it sent a chill down my spine.”

“But now? Things have changed. You’ve walked onto my doorstep, and I don’t care about what you try and do to me anymore.”

“All I care about is keeping Joey safe. Keeping Arcadia free from your tyranny.”

“I know he’s going to win that title.”

“And you’re not getting one step closer once he does.”

“Because I’m going to throw one kick to your skull, I’m going to watch you crumple.”

“No one’s above the Law, Jasper.”

“And with this badge on my chest, I am the Law.”