Lady Justice

Jackson CadeJackson Cade, Promo

“They say justice is blind, but I’m starting to think she can see crystal clear.” The words of Jackson Cade are slightly slurred, the former Eagle Unit member sits at a bar, a glass of cheap whiskey in hand. He takes a swig from his drink, grimacing at the taste. “Justice is supposed to not care about who you are. Not what you look like, who you represent. She’s supposed to judge you by what you’ve done, who you’ve harmed.”

“But if that were true,” he sighs, downing his glass and slamming it onto the bar, calling over the bartender to fill it again. “Then people would be punished as they deserve. Lady Justice would hear the pained cries of the wronged, she’d feel the warm blood of a hundred lifeless corpses on the hands of the convicted. I beg and plead every day for the system to work like I was told it did. Yet, every day I wake up and those who should be locked deep within Deathrow walk among us.” The bartender eyes  Cade wearily as the officer drinks, clearly trying to pay him too much mind.

Jackson glances at the bartender, furrowing his brow. “You’ve seen it, haven’t you? Vision, Attano. Two horrid humans not only walk the levels, but they’ve been trusted by the authority. Lady Justice saw who they were, saw what they could do, and she decided the blood on their hands was NOTHING. Harold could kill countless men so long as Zeus’ enemies were amongst the names. Vision could lead a cult and because he wanted to ‘turn a new leaf’ he was allowed amnesty as the leader of team OSW!” Cade downs his drink, standing up and flinging the glass  against the wall! The bartender squares up to him, jabbing a finger in his chest.

“You better fuckin’ pay for the glass, pay your tab, then get the fuck out.” His words are firm, but Cade merely shakes his head.

“You haven’t been listening, have you? See, in Arcadia, nothing sticks to men like Attano, like Vision. And you best fuckin’ believe something as small as this would stick to me. I tried doing things by the book, I worked my fingers to the bone, dug deep into the abyss and felt first hand the pain, the suffering that Lady Justice chose to ignore. As far as I see it, the Justice we’ve been sold is just a whore for those with the most power.” Cade knocks the bartender’s finger from his chest, sneering at him.

“Once I get my hands on them I’m going to do what Lady Justice was too afraid to do. I’m going to shatter their skulls, I’m going to brutalize them like every life they left broken in their wake. If Justice refuses to lay down the law, then I guess I can punish without consequence. So be smart, clean up the glass and get out of my way. The  Law is coming to Olympus.” Cade goes to leave, but the bartender grabs at him again, seething.

“Pay the fuckin’-“

HOSTILE DOWN! The superkick knocks him out cold!

“And I am the Law.”