
In Narcissa Balenciaga, Promo by Narcissa Balenciaga

They say that everyone has their 15 minutes of fame but not everybody is ready for the spotlight to be on them.

They feel like a candle where all the heat is focused on one particular point and they’re melting more and more as every second slowly passes by. That spark that drove them to be on stage is soon the fire that destroys them.

Many are meant to be in the crowd or even be a supporting act, that light burns most like moths to a flame.

The rare star can shine, the rare soldier can lead, the rare musician gets to sing.

No, most don’t get to do any of these things, they don’t shine, some don’t even shimmer. They don’t lead, most follow, some just get out of the way. They don’t sing, they pluck a string, some just play a drum.

There’s nothing wrong with that, the world needs those that don’t shine to support those who do, it needs those that follow, it needs those that provide the beat for a great song.

You realized that early, didn’t you Raven? You didn’t need to be the focus, you didn’t have to be the last rose, you just wanted to be a petal. You didn’t need to get the attention, you were happy to let others have it, you were happy to give it to your band mates and even more happy to give Sarah all the attention you could give.

Then came the one time you deserved it, if there’s one day anyone can have the spotlight, it’s their wedding day. Everything should be about you, the universe decided to not even let you have that. One party before your biggest day and instead of you and Sarah getting the spotlight on the best day of your lives, she has a spotlight on her casket for the worst day you’ll ever live.

I can’t blame you for wanting revenge on everything, I want revenge and you’re one of the few people I might say has been dealt a worse hand than me. So you become vengeance and you hang in the rafters away from all the attention you’re sure you don’t want anymore, except when it’s time to see you and darkness gives way to the spotlight you always avoided.

Even this time, it didn’t last long, did it? You showed up in the rafters and spotlight just long enough for people to notice when you’re not there when they’re expecting you. Instead of being burned by bulbs, you get to be warmed by sanguine fluid coursing out your body.

Tired of being ripped from the spotlight and getting covered in your blood or others?

Do what you do best and hang in the shadows.

Beat the drum and make sure your heartbeat matches the rhythm.

Just be glad this is a non-title fight Raven, I don’t know if you could handle one more night under a spotlight.

Leave fighting and vengeance to someone who can.