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The Seeker

In Promo, Tombstone by Tombstone

Tombstone walks through a darkened room inside The Mortuary. There’re only candles to light small corners of the large house. The atmosphere is akin to Escape The Mortuary. There’s a …

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The Dancing Flame

In Promo, Tombstone by Tombstone

The Crematorium is not a room oft seen in the bowels of The Mortuary. Tombstone’s presence in it, less so. “When I was a mere mortal, this is how I …

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In Promo, Tombstone by Tombstone

The Morgue is a cold and unforgiving place. Tombstone lays down on his back, confined by steel. “In a tight and confined space, some people find themselves afraid.” He tries …

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In Promo, Tombstone by Tombstone

The Mortuary is dark, and the rain pours heavily from above. The sound of dirt shucking back and forth is our only solace from the terrifying state of darkness that …

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The Fall Guy

In Promo, Tombstone by Tombstone

A crowd is gathered in The Slums. A man hangs from the edge of a high rise building, holding on for dear life. Tombstone soon appears in the crowd, watching …

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Panacea for the Poison

In Promo, Tombstone by Tombstone

Then.  Illumination Antiques burns to a crisp before him, Tombstone allows himself a smile. Smouldering.  Steam pours from the skin like rats from a sinking ship. My burnt and soured …

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In Promo, Tombstone by Tombstone

The Slums. Tombstone is at a run-down dive bar in the middle of the slums. With his classic trench coat and hat, people know who he is. They give him …

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A River to Cross [CD]

In Promo, Tombstone by Tombstone

The winds howl as waves lap against the boat with ferocity. The waters upon the River Styx are choppy and boisterous. Tombstone sits in his boat, calmly holding onto the …

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The Dog Within

In Promo, Tombstone by Tombstone

Every man has a little dog in him. The kind of dog varies depending on the man. Some dogs are kind and loyal. Other dogs are vile and vicious. When …

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Fathers & Sons

In Promo, Tombstone by Tombstone

Dear father, It has been a long time since I last wrote you a letter. Time has so rapidly passed that I’ve forgotten the contours of your face. Sometimes, I …