The Seeker

TombstonePromo, Tombstone

Tombstone walks through a darkened room inside The Mortuary. There’re only candles to light small corners of the large house. The atmosphere is akin to Escape The Mortuary. There’s a darkness, a void, in which his terrifying figure traverses.

We watch him through CCTV footage.

“When people are afraid, they hide.

He looks inside a cupboard, carefully closing its door behind him.

“Hiding occurs in all manner of ways. But for every mortal hiding in this world, there’s a seeker.

You must’ve played the game Hide & Seek as a child?”

We continue to follow him into the next room, the CCTV footage flashing to the next camera.

“Narcissa hides behind layers of protection – each vaster and more consuming than the last. The first is that pale white porcelain make up she dons, hiding her true visage from the world. A façade, to hinder knowing who and what she really is. But what you cannot hide is the soul, and that lies beneath the eyes.

Then there’s Zeus, her powerful and almighty husband. This is his world and we’re mere vessels within it. She hides behind him and Hydra.

And in the bushes, outside.

He laughs, referencing last week at Vendetta as he checks through cupboards and behind couches in the next room.

I see you, Narcissa.

Tombstone moves to the morgue and begins looking in drawers.

“CJ Thorpe hides behind the protection of his father, and his brother, and the law he’s sworn to uphold. He hides behind a chequered past of deviancy and darkness, hoping that within it, his true intentions cannot be seen.

But I remember when that blade drew across my throat. I remember when you tried to steal the existence from within me, Thorpe. You and your band of merry outlaws.

I see you, CJ.

Tombstone enters the next room, having left the morgue. The CCTV footage takes us into a garage outhouse of sorts, where his weapons are on the walls. He looks beneath the desk.

“Harold Attano hides away from his family. He abandoned them because he was afraid. He searches in vain for something now hidden from him, and because of that, he couldn’t be more visible.

I see you, Harold.

Tombstone opens a locker and finds us, a camera, looking back at him. He grabs it with both hands and drags it out.

“Because when you stand before the Ferryman, there is no place to hide. There is no sanctuary, no sanctum, no respite from the darkness.

I see you.

He smiles.

“I will always see you. Narcissa, CJ, Harold… I’ve seen you all. I’ve sought and I’ve found.”

The camera trembles.

“You need not be afraid. The game of Hide & Seek is over at Locked & Loaded.”

His eyes roll back in his head.

“You should never fear being seen, because being seen is where the end begins.

And you should never fear the end.

The end is where we meet.”

Tombstone’s smile turns sour.

“And I will send you on your way.