Pulpit: A Prologue

NoxNox, Promo

Inside the Church of Zion, the parishioners mill about hushed murmurs fill the air when there’s a slow clapping that can be heard.  The murmurs quiet and the parishioners’ attention turns to the front of the Church where Nox can be seen sauntering slowly clapping to the pulpit with the OSW NXT Level Championship over his shoulder. 

Walk right in all the sinners and saints.  Tonight’s the night you’ll get to shake off your chains.”  

Nox states as he looks over the crowd, now in stunned silence as they turn to now face the ever-looming presence of Nox as he continues his speech. 

“Worshipers of Zion, it’s my great pleasure to announce that your God is dead and tonight you’ll slip the bonds which have tethered you to Lionel Troy!” 

Suddenly there’s a pop at the back of the church followed by a shrill scream as a plume of gaseous smoke begins to envelop the crowd. 

Breath deep my new congregation tonight is when the fun begins. Forget the addle-minded teachings of The Kitten of Zion and embrace what you fear the most, a life without faith. Knowing that everything that Lionel has ever told you is a baldfaced lie and the only thing which is true in this world is chaos.” 

Nox grabs the microphone from the pulpit and continues speaking to the now stirring crowd as he gestures over them his words now coming out with fire. 

“You all get the honor to be the first Church in Arcadia freed from the grasp of their preacher by the benefits of my modern medicine!” 

Nox pops a couple of canisters off his chest and in one fluid motion he flicks them into the crowd. As the people are now screaming and fighting each other. 

“This is the night your world changes for the better as we welcome entropy into your existence. You all will shake off the chains of Lionel Troy, and finally realize that every credit you’ve ever given him has gone straight up his nose!” 

Nox now stands on stage looming over the now rioting crowd holding out the NXT Level Championship in an outstretched hand. 

“Your alleged Lion will come for me, for this right here, my ticket, my existence, the only thing that I worship, this Championship! And he will realize like all of you do right now, in this moment and it will be hard medicine for him to swallow, but that medicine is the truth, that he and I are not equals, and he should do well to remember that!” 

Nox slings his Championship back over his shoulder before continuing. 

“You will all watch as your profit is exposed for what he is a feeble man, in a mortal body. While he much like each and every one of you has realized tonight, you can’t go to hell when you’re already there!”  
