Blood is…

In Promo, Roderick Pym by Roderick Pym

I’ve seen it written that blood is thicker than water…and in time of test, family is best.

Family is tied together by a promise, an agreement to look out for each other…no matter what. Such a bond ties the family together like a rope, every strand made stronger by the collective as a whole.

Such was the bond between me and my kin. I loved each and every one of my children, and did all I could to protect them…and I did it without seeking anything in return.

That’s just what family does.

We looked out for each other, strengthening each other by the promise to look out for each other…but the rope eventually started to unravel. As we started to fall apart, so did our bond together…but I never stopped loving them, right up until the end.

I’ve seen all sorts of families come with terms and conditions, and the moment someone comes to collect the ties that bind them become frayed. In the face of hard times, they scatter…and all because of a promise that could not be kept.

A promise not unlike that which ties together Apokalypsis, all in unity by the watchful hand of John The Revelator…but the promise he’s given this group is only making the rope unravel quicker.

Trying to align yourselves with the old guard of OSW is already proving to be futile, isn’t it? Because you would try to align yourselves with men who try to lay claim to the idea of family…even as the ties that bind them come undone.

Doom’s hold on Foley, the hold the Odyssey Pool has over Destructo Boy and Blaze…just strands of a rope that unravel after just a bit of tension. They stood united, but with the OSW Tag Team Championship on the line they only become divided.

The promise that binds them will ultimately destroy them, when they can’t decide who among them deserves to be champion. Their focus will be so scattered they will never see the onslaught that awaits them.

If their promise to each other can be so easily broken, so too can that given to you by your precious Revelator. You’ve seen how broken he’s become, thanks to the Uprising…and at Attitude, you’ll be broken too.

And the promise that he made will only serve to aid in your downfall, when you realize that what he’s offered will never truly come to fruition. Four horsemen riding to a dead end.

And there, you’ll find the Uprising. A family bound by the promise of a new Arcadia…and that’s a promise worth fighting for.

As the strands of the rope start to fray and tear, so too will Drewitt and Gemini…and as they fall by the wayside, the Uprising will assume control. The takeover will be complete, and with the titles in our hands we will celebrate a new beginning.

Because the ties that bind make us what we are in The Uprising…a family. And it’s all about family, in the end.