Scrooge McDoom

DOOMPromo, Stubbins Doom

[Doom uncharacteristically stands in the middle of the ring. In his hand, a shovel. Beside him is a steel chair.]

[Doom] “Felix Foley says that I’m a scrooge.”

[He growls beneath his mask.]

[Doom] “It is his belief that the way I’ve treated my creation is inherently evil. He claims I’m unkind and ungiving. A ‘tight-fisted relentless chore’ were his exact words.”

[Doom shrugs.]

[Doom] “Scrooge McDoom.”

[He becomes silent for a moment.]

[Doom] “But Scrooge McDuck wasn’t evil. He was misunderstood. A frugal tycoon who sought wealth. There’s a reason why I seek my creation – it’s the correction of error. It’s a wealth of learning opportunity. His end creates an opportunity for understanding that we’ve not had before. That’s a treasure worth seeking, is it not?”

[He takes a seat on the chair.]

[Doom] “In Ducktales, Scrooge McDuck – the wealthiest duck in all of his world, sought endless treasure across five different locations. Millions. He was already full of wealth and knowledge, but sought more.”

[Doom] “Yet he’s a beloved video game character.”

[Doom] “And I’m despised for my actions.

[He scoffs.]

[Doom] “Three different locations await me at Carnevil. Each of them holds a different kind of treasure trove of information.”

[Doom] “Narcissa has the OSW World Championship, something I endeavour to recapture. But not only that. She has information of the hierarchy of Arcadia. She has inner knowledge of Zeus, Deathrow and my creation – he very creation she broke out.”

[Doom] “Destructo Boy is like a son to me. His father a lost cause, wasted to the fiery depths of his own insanity. I could learn so much about being a father in my mentorship of Destructo Boy. But to do such a thing requires information. It requires effort.”

[Doom] “And Vision. A man blinded by his own ignorance, who believes true sight can only be gotten once you can no longer see. Can you fathom the sort of intelligence that can be gathered from someone like this? What he knows, what he sees, it’s a trove of information.”

[Doom] “This coming week, I find myself as Scrooge McDuck, on the search for hidden treasure in three specific locations; Narcissa, Destructo Boy and Vision. Each of them has a wealth of information in different areas that a scientist such as myself could utilise for a greater purpose than their current existence could ever manifest.”

[Doom] “But this isn’t Ducktales. I’m not a character in a story or a video game. I’m everything my good friend Felix says I am and more. Because sometimes, to get the secrets out of the jar, you need to break it.”

[Doom] “That’s why I brought my shovel…”

[Doom] “Because after all…”

[Doom] “X marks the spot.”