Family II: Failure

Jasper RedgraveJasper Redgrave, Promo

[Sarah Jackson’s Memorial.]

[A plot of land laid out with a headstone and flower arrangement to stand in memory of Sarah.]

[Jasper Redgrave looks down at the headstone.]

[He crouches, running his hand across the name plate.]

“He failed you.”

[Jasper speaks as if he’s talking to The Burned Man’s late wife directly.]

“He failed his family.”

[Redgrave’s hand raises to his face as he wipes the lower half of his face.]

“Maxwell has failed on many different accounts. He failed to keep you happy.”

“Had you of been happy, you wouldn’t have been wrapped up with The Gathering.”

“You would have been at home, happy to embrace the lifestyle of a house wife.. not out on the streets with the riff raff.”

“Perhaps had he succeeded in keeping you happy, that night would have never happened. Perhaps, you’d still be with us.”

[Jasper chuckles dryly.]

“Another time that TBM has failed you. As the man of the family, Maxwell was supposed to be the one risking his own life for his family. He should have ran into that fire without a second thought to get you and your son out of harm’s way.”

“But instead, he failed you again. He failed to be a man and he tucked his tail and ran for safety.”

“It was his failure that night that cost you your life.”

[He shakes his head.]

“Since then he’s ran rampant. He’s searched high and low looking for someone else to point the finger at.”

“Instead of admitting his failures as a family man, he allowed his burning rage to turn him against your son.”

“He nearly murdered your baby boy after falsely accusing him for the fire.”

“But luckily, once again, he failed.”

“He failed at saving your life. He’s failed at being the guidance that turns your baby boy into something for you to be proud of.”

“Hell, he’s even failed to find out who’s responsible for your death.”

“He failed his family.”

“And this week, he will fail you again.”

[Jasper pushes himself to a full stand, his hands folded behind his back.]

“The Burned Man will come to Vendetta, looking to balance the scales of justice.”

“He will come for me in an attempt to right the many wrongs that I’ve caused in my time.”

“He will bring all the built up aggression that’s caused by all of his failures and he will try to maim me in front of all of Arcadia.”

“But once again, he will fail.”

[Jasper leans forward, picking up a flower from the plot.]

[He raises it to his nose and gives it a gentle sniff.]

“It will be all of his mistakes that accumulate in his biggest failure yet.”

“At Vendetta, he may show up a renewed man with a new leash on life.”

“He may walk down that ramp thinking that he can finally be the symbol of justice that Arcadia needs.”

[Jasper crushes the flower in his palm.]

[As he opens his hand, the destroyed petals fall to the ground at his feet.]

[His voice is stern and cold.]

“But he will fail to walk away victorious.”
