Another Casualty

In Jasper Redgrave, Promo by Jasper Redgrave

[The Red Light District.]

[Or what used to be.]

[Jasper Redgrave walks amongst the rubble and ash.]

“This used to be a thriving level of Arcadia. Many of credits cycled through the shops and clubs of this district. It was once full of life.”

[Redgrave stops in front of one of the piles of rubble that used to make up a building. His tone is somber, but he continues his walk through the destruction.]

“That is until everything was set ablaze.”

“This entire level of Arcadia reduced to ash..”

[Redgrave comes to a stop right in front of The Door.]

“All to uncover this door.”

“Since then, Apokalypsis as a whole has terrorized the roster of Old School Wrestling. They’ve kidnapped and beaten several of individuals down, all in hopes to drag their lifeless bodies back to the door. Hoping they had found the key.”

“But for what?”

“El Muerte Mariachi. The Song of Death.”

“You were once a man that stood at the top of Olympus. You were once a man who held the OSW World Championship. You weren’t some sheep following the shepherd, you were your own man.”

“Valiantly fought your own wars.”

“You were once a noble general, but now.. I look down upon you like the peasant you are.”

“You’re nothing more than a foot soldier for some crazy old man who lives in the shadows of Arcadia.”

“You pledged your allegiance to a man that nobody knows simply because he promised you something great sat behind this door.”

[Jasper places his hand on the door. Much like it did the first time he touched it, it glows red.]

“I can’t answer the question for you of what lies behind this door, Mariachi.”

“But what I can do is see to it that you and your cronies never find a way of opening it.”

[He turns towards us, his gaze cold as stone.]

“Apokalypsis has been a thorn in the side of The Uprising ever since I came home. Around each corner, the lot of you have been there to thwart any plan of a takeover.”

“My cohort seems to think that she can barter with you savages.”

“Narcy thinks she can talk JTR into surrendering at Ring of Dreams.”

“But I know better. As I said, somewhere deep inside you is a man that used to fight his own battles and walk his own path.”

“Last week, Gemini showed no restraints. She entered that ring and she gave it her all.”

“That doesn’t seem like an individual willing to just lie down for the competition.”

“And I know you’re no different, Mariachi.”

[He smirks.]

“But you’re just an expendable foot soldier sent to try to flank a real general.”

“You don’t have what it takes to stand on the same ground which I walk.”

“At NXT Level, I finish the painting that I started with your ally’s blood last week.”

“And you become just another casualty of war.”

[Jasper spits at the base of The Door and takes his leave.]
