Calypso originally was an ordinary woman that was fascinated with black magic. Unfortunately, residents of the Bayou didn't take kindly to her interests and branded her as a witch. She was then hung for her supposed witchcraft. Tombstone later came to ferry her after the crowd had dispersed and her body had hung there for a significant amount of time. Despite being near death, however, she didn't die because of her own black magic. Realizing her potential, Tombstone released her and the two quickly bonded over their shared hatred of humanity.
The Voodoo Child
“Fortune favors me tonight.”
About Calypso
The Bayou
In The Ring
"Goëtia" composed by Peter Gundry"Goëtia" begins to play as smoke fills the arena, causing the lights slowly shut off. The ominous violin rings throughout the arena, creating a sense of dread and unease amongst the crowd. As the atmosphere builds and the instruments begin to swell, a single spotlight begins to fade into view. Just as a woman's voice is heard whispering in a long dead language, the smoke changes color to a deep green and a figure starts to form from within the haze. As the disembodied voice begins to sing, the smoke begins to dissipate, allowing us to make out Calypso, standing on the center of the entrance ramp with her arms outstretched.
More voices begin to chant, causing Calypso to walk slowly down to the ring. The crowd don't boo or cheer at her, too perturbed by the vibe she's created to react. Once she reaches the ring, she discards her hat before sliding under the bottom rope. She crawls to the center of the squared circle before standing upright once more, soaking in the tension she has created. With the wave of her hands, the lights turn back on and the music abruptly stops. The Voodoo Child proceeds to wait ominously in the middle of the ring for her opponent.
Human Sacrifice
Standing Diamond Dust (ala Darby Allin)Blood Ritual
Calypso will spit a red, blood like mist into the opponent's eyes.Black Magic Missile
Calypso will spontaneously shoot a bolt of fire at her opponent.The Pact
Muta LockGrave Misfortune
Diving Backstabber