Chapter Seven: The Raven

Malakai MidnightMalakai Midnight, Promo

“Welcome to the midnight hour, little owls.

Today, we talk about The Raven.

The Raven is a mythological creature known as a bird. These creatures were said to fly fearlessly through the sky.”

Malakai Midnight sits in front of candles, his followers perched at his feet on their bottoms, awaiting his story patiently.

“And I’d like to tell you a story about one.”

They cheer and rejoice.

“There was once a little Raven who flew too hard and too fast. He soared through the air. One spring day, this little bird flew too fast and into a large window, crashing against it with a thud. He fell to the floor, injured, but alive.

With an injured wing, he decided to rest a while.

But Spring turned into Summer and Summer turned into Fall.”

Malakai shakes his head in disappointment.

“And the Raven remained on the floor, recuperating, believing himself to be injured.”

The followers hang on his every word.

“But that wasn’t true. You see, The Raven had long recovered from his injuries. Instead, he was afraid. He was afraid of taking to the air. He was afraid of learning once again to soar. The Raven was so afraid, in fact, that he wondered if he even knew how to fly anymore.”

He smiles.

“My dearest Raven, I’ve taken note of you by the windowsill of Old School Wrestling, recuperating. How long have you been on your knees, little bird? How long have you considered yourself unable to fly?

Because the moment you lost the love of your life, you crashed into a window and fell to injury. A broken heart is the same as a broken wing, is it not?

And you’ve refused to fly once more.”

Malakai begins pacing the room now, looking at the followers who sit at his feet.

“The Raven from my story sought wisdom from a sage old Owl, who looked down from the trees. The owl told him to climb small branches and take small leaps, to recover confidence.

The Owl, in gaining the trust of the Raven, then feigned injury from up inside his tree and forced The Raven to take flight once more and save him.”

He stops, turning to the camera.

“I’ve been hooting at you for a while, Raven.

Haven’t you heard?

And if you take my hand and listen to my wisdom, I can be the one to help you fly again. I’m here to offer you the encouragement you need to pick yourself up off the floor and spread your wings. All you need to do is listen. All you need to do is take my hand and join me, little bird.”

He has a big smile.

“The Raven from my story flew once more.

So can you, Raven.

C’mon, join us… it’ll be a hoot.”