
In Promo by Wolf Fang Ayame

Wolf Fang Ayame stood in the middle of a clearing with only the full moon as her lighting; a hand covering her nose as she tried to shield it from the stench that covered the land. The grass was stained red and limbs were torn asunder. She looked and picked up a limb. 


“I figured” was all she could get out. Spotting chalk on the fingertips, some teenagers did this once in a blue moon. Figuring it would be a wonderful idea to get drunk and try to summon something beyond their understanding. And not just their minds but their bodies would be torn from them. Leaving them as spirits screaming endlessly into this empty forest, carried upon the wind. 


This wasn’t her concern, spirits will be cleansed with time. The real worry was, what did they let loose in the forest? She took a step knowing that something was out there. Something was watching her, and worst of all she didn’t know where it was. She dropped the limb and took a step back to leave the area. 




She wheeled around as the sharp noise broke the silence behind her. Getting into a stance ready to fight. But was just met with a chilling feeling that went down to her very bone. Her looks back and forth went from a calm, composed examination to frantic as she began picking up the pace back to sanctuary. It had found her, yet she didn’t even know what it was. Movement could never stop until…


Wolf Fang Ayame found herself in a clearing with only the full moon as her lighting. A wave of deja vu washed over her as she walked around and smelled the stench of something horrible. Like something was in deep decay she instinctively covered her nose to avoid the stench. 


“Another ritual on this night?” She questioned to herself it wasn’t impossible but it was unlikely. As she walked through the area she was on full guard, this meant many powerful things were set loose in the Forest. One of which was already aware of her presence and chasing her down. She noticed something interesting. Footprints walking away a possible survivor? She immediately began running down the path following the footsteps throwing reckless abandon hoping that whatever creature hadn’t gotten to the survivor yet. It wasn’t long until…


Wolf Fang Ayame stood in the middle of a clearing with only the full moon as her lighting. She was hit with the stench, the same stench from the prior circle. She had ended up in the same place. As she realized this she fell to her knees in the middle of the clearing realizing she had fallen for a trap.

She hardly even noticed the sharp claws grasp onto her shoulder.


“Begin again wolf” It said as it plunged a blade into her chest and dropped the dead ayame. 

Wolf Fang Ayame stood in the middle of a clearing with only the full moon as her lighting.