
Destructo BoyDestructo Boy, Promo


[James waits for a moment, hearing the door creak underneath Felix’s weight before sighing deeply]

“Families do suck alright. You either get the crap end of the stick like you did or you get perfection…and even though it feels great in the moment, you soon realize that it’s a curse. 

My mom was the purest soul, the sweetest, kindest person you’d ever meet who not a single person had anything bad to say about her. And my father, the most selfless, giving bastard you’d ever meet. Two of the most angelic beings in a shitty world that they tried to make a better place at every moment.

And there I was, this normal kid expected to not only follow in their footsteps but be better then them.”

[James scowls, punching the nearby wall in frustration]

“I hated him you know. Not because of anything he did but because of the shadow he cast over me. I never got to be James, I had to be the second coming of Maxwell, and even when I thought he died, I still did everything I thought he wanted.

So when Doom put me in that pool for the first time and all the anger and rage came bubbling up to the surface, I thought I was free. Free to walk my own path and you want to know the first thing I did?

Try and show the world he wasn’t perfect by proving that even he could be corrupted. And all I did was prove my vengeance was miniscule compared to his. The tiny embers of the Black Heart were easily overwhelmed by the raging inferno that was Blaze.”

[James breathes deeply]

“And then I fixed him. We hunted down mom’s killer together, he went along with my plan, everything I started to do was because I wanted it, not because someone else did.

And then the shadow came back with a different face.”

[James lowers his head, visibly breathing deeply stopping himself from breaking down]

“I don’t want to be like this Felix, this anger, this rage, this pain. I hate every second of it but even the briefest thought of Nox makes it overwhelming.

Even at his worst I never wanted to end Stubbins. Even at his most rabid, I didn’t have it in me to end my dad, but every part of me wants to rip Nox limb from limb and end his miserable existence.

I’m not strong enough to resist killing him and I’m terrified about what that’s going to take away when I do.”

[James opens the door slightly, placing a tag team title through, the name plate reading The Burned Man.

“I loved him, I loved them both so much and they took them away. They ripped apart of my soul away and I can’t lose anything else.

This is the last thing I have left of him, don’t let them take this too. Help me protect it, help me show them enough is enough and they can’t take anything more from us.

You do that…

And maybe we can talk.”