Darkened Skies

Destructo BoyDestructo Boy, Promo

Have you ever been angry? Not just annoyed or mad but felt true, unmistakable rage that shook down to the very core of your essence to the point all you saw, every thing you felt, every thought you ever had was nothing but crimson?

Ever since I could remember, I had this festering inferno inside of me. This voice of hatred ringing in the back of my mind that manifested in the worst ways. I acted out, I rebelled, I hurt the people closest to me without even thinking about the consequences. And then trying to be a hero in their memory was just an absurd failure because I tried to be the idealistic version I thought they wanted and ignored the frustration in my bones.

Because I couldn’t just rock up and fix everything, because I was too naïve not to fail, because I didn’t want to save them, I wanted to punish them for what I’d lost. So when I came out of the pool the first time, it didn’t change me, it was an excuse. An angry, bitter, broken child who was raging out at the world and this close to losing himself in the madness.

It took someone else’s wrath to snap me out of it, it took losing my hero to a blazing inferno that twisted him into an abhorrent nightmare to truly understand the festering sickness within me and how to remedy it. It wasn’t the pool, it was letting go of the past, letting go of that rage and becoming the person I needed to be.

An idealistic fool who believes in the best of people, who knows that no one is truly lost, who understands darkness is a choice and everyone can walk back into the light. And truly fears for those just like me on the edge of losing themselves.

I know you’re a good person Aurora, rough and brash as you may seem but I see that rage growing inside, that crimson fury bubbling underneath the surface and I get it. The one person you believed in, idolized, was the bright spark in your dreary existence, your hero turned into the villain you feared and it tore apart of you away that you are terrified will never grow back.

Of all the people here Aurora, I know what that feels like but the skies are turning blacker every day and you can’t let that a single failure define you, you can’t let what he did destroy who you’re meant to be because otherwise, even after you beat him, even in death, Raven still wins.

You’ll say I’m a fool, some dumbass child who doesn’t know the world but come Chain Reaction, I’ll be the shield that sees us through. You may not believe in me or even trust me and I can’t beat your demons for you.

But the moment you need me, for all the dreams he made you forsake, I’ll bring back them back to life.

And just like the water and the flames,

I’ll Save You Too.