Vengeance is one of the most intoxicating wants a man can feel. It can consume the mind more than any addiction and when you get the need for it, you assume that the actions you take to achieve it will assuage the anger consuming you like water to a blaze.
The problem with this thinking is vengeance is the act of turning anger in on yourself. On the surface, it feels like it’s directed at someone else but in all honesty, it’s a surefire recipe for arresting emotional recovery.
Like an axe to a tree, I do not remember what wounds I caused you but it has you stalking me to the point I have guards protecting me at every move.
It has you chasing me against all logic. You and I both know that I’m near untouchable outside of that ring yet those raw emotions make you defy the most basic of human needs, survival. Whatever anger you have, whatever pain you’re holding on to, I can end it in an instant. You wouldn’t be the first person I’ve killed and we both know, no judge is going to convict me of anything.
That’s the worst part isn’t it, you know any sort of so-called justice you seek has to be done be your own hands, problem is to stop me, you have to be able to see me.
An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind and the first person we blind is ourselves. When pursuing me, how often does it feel like you’ve blacked out, like the world in front of you is as dark as your namesake, Night?
At night, the only light we can be sure of getting is the stars and like a sailor using the constellations to get to their destination, my transgressions are the brightest stars in your system and they are leading you on a path of destruction.
One you’ll soon realize is your own custom-built demise. I’ve made the mistake of using vengeance as my purpose and look where it got me, I was at the top of the world and the two men I freed when vengeance was all I lived for got their hand on my most prized possession.
Without that emotion blinding me, I see the world so much clearer, I see the beauty in everything again. I can design again, i can breathe again, i can live again, and I can love again. With a new outlook, I am the sun in Zeus’s sky, I have become the day to your night and with this new illuminated outlook on life, I can see so much more allowing me to strike when you least expect it just like last week.
You’re no longer facing the Narcissa that tried to destroy Arcadia, you’re facing the one trying to save it. Vengeance is so last season.
Its new for you though so use that raw emotion, vengeance and pain. Try to end Arcadia’s day like your namesake but while the night divides the day, day destroys the night. If the mere stars of transgression have blinded you so much, do not look directly into the Sun.