Dig Deep

Klaus WayKlaus Way, Promo

“Each new day is a new mountain to climb, so they tell me. I’m not much of a hiker myself, but Ajax, he likes to walk. Says it makes his legs ‘dummy thicc’, whatever that means. But I understand what they mean. Arcadia is…well…a dump. Just existing in this place gives me a complex. So I guess when they say each new day is a mountain they’re talking metaphorically. They’re saying it’s a hard slog.”

“You know what is easier than climbing a mountain that’s in your way? Bulldoze it. Run a ton ball of steel through the side of it and watch it crumble down all around you. Isn’t that just… chefs kiss?. ‘But what if you don’t have a wrecking ball, Mr. Way?’ I hear you ask. Great question. You don’t actually need a wrecking ball. That’s the secret! A wrecking ball is a short cut to the same outcome. You know what else works?”



“When they say ‘you’ve got to dig deep!’ that is exactly what they mean. You have to chip away at that mountain of mud and dirt that stands between you and happiness, and you have to dig it right down DEEP in order to make it the easiest for yourself.”

“I dig deep all the time. I dig deep when Ajax has another raw egg smoothie each breakfast. It’s all I can do not to facepalm. I dig deep every time the tightrope walker slips and falls into the net.”

“That is just it, though. I dig deep for my own benefit. I dig deep because of the outcome I want to achieve.”

“Unlike Gravedigger. Someone told him to dig deep and he took it literally.”

“Gravedigger seems to be unable to take that advice though, he digs, but he only digs because he is told to dig. It’s not for his own benefit. He doesn’t get to choose which outcome he wants – he simply exists to feed into Tombstone’s desires. Tombstone uses him as a part – only there to function as an enabler for other things to happen, never as a member of Six Feet Under in his own right.”

“So he keeps digging. He digs on and on, digging more and more graves, searching for his purpose in life, but either not realising or not caring that he’s eventually going to feel a sharp crack ripple through his arm as his shovel clangs against bedrock. All that digging? It is for nothing, Gravedigger, if you don’t dig for what you want instead of what other people want you to dig for. How can you dig deep when your soul is empty?”

“Only when you take a step away from this and look at it objectively can you see. And then you’ll agree, that this just isn’t the way.”

“Welcome to the Freak Show, let us show you the REAL way…”