
Klaus WayKlaus Way, Promo

To be a King you need a Kingdom, a devoted following of people who place you above all else. The crown demands a certain level of respect that is befitting of not just any mere mortal.

You could almost say you’d have to be Godly, to properly undertake the role of King. And there are some that would argue that faith and royalty have lain in the same bed for many years already. They are tightly interwoven, like a dense fabric.

Speaking of which, I was talking to the freaks before a show recently, and they came to me with a very interesting story they’d heard. About a leader, who believed himself to be divine, and better than the peasants he ruled over. He was approached by a wizened man, and told that he had the very latest and greatest of clothing, fit for a King such as he. The leader, who was preparing for a very important event, grew lustful for this clothing – surely he, THE MOST REGAL AND GODLY MAN IN TOWN, should have the best clothes for his appearances.

So the wizened tailor left, returning several days later to show him the outfit. The leader tried on the outfit, looked in the mirror, and looked momentarily confused. The wizened old man started dripping compliments in his ear: “Oh my lord, you look incredible, your people do not deserve such a well dressed leader. You look so regal.” The leader smirked. This was exactly what he wanted to hear.

The important event came, and the leader dressed in his new clothes, stepped out in front of his people, and…

…they all laughed. The leader looked down, and saw that he was wearing no clothes at all. The crowd were laughing at his chipolata wobbling in the wind! The wizened old man was nowhere to be seen, and the leader, mortified, disappeared from public life altogether. Understanding the crown was not for him, he never chased it again.

Ezekiel, you have come to Olympus, proclaiming yourself to be a leader of men. Proclaiming yourself as a Godly man, and taking matters into your own hands. But I fear that you do not understand the position you find yourself in. For you only believe yourself to be a leader because of the platitudes whispered into your ear. A few wins have got you thinking you are better than those around you, and I can see you staring in that same mirror, believing your own hype.

But your special event is this Ring King qualifier, and when you step out in front of all of your so called loyal followers, they will laugh too. They’ll see you for what you really are – EXPOSED – chipolata wobbling in the wind, just like that leader. The wizened old man has sold you a lie, you are not ready to wear the crown you seek. I beg you see the signs and escape just like that leader did, away from public life, before it’s too late. I know a place you’d fit right in…