Uh oh, it looks like our wonderful and courageous Captain Arcadia has found himself in a strange situation, deep in the fortune tent of Calypso! But instead of fears, he seems to have found something different: answers. He looks up from the mirrored tome, a hand wrapping around the book.
“I see what you mean,” he replies, nodding stoically. “If there’s nothing we can do, we can at least make his end quick. I also bring something for, a trade for a trade. I came to learn more on one, having tracked down the other.”
He reaches into a small satchel, and pulls out a file stamped with a wolf on it. He swaps the book on the table with the file, opening to show intel and photos on Wolf Fang Ayami.
“There was the other one, Wolf Fang. Something about her runs wild, searching and hunting with a relentless hunger. It seems like she’s searching out for trouble time and time again. For someone that wants to be left alone, it’s kinda surprising.”
He shakes his head, only slight disappointment on his face. A pang of something that brings up the past.
“That’s the trouble with a lone wolf though. You start searching for trouble to sake that inner turmoil, all you’re going to find is a a heap of problems. In this case, it comes from Locke. These two are in a game of cat and dog, one chasing the other.”
He leans in, locking eyes fearlessly with Calypso.
“That will be their downfall. These two have circled and chased each other, predator becoming prey and likewise around. Neither of them can set differences aside to work together, too divided among themselves.”
“With us? That’s what sets us apart. It’s clear to see that you and I are night and day for the world of Arcadia. You are the shadows and unknown, lurking just around the corner or six feet under. I am the day, bright and shining as the face of Arcadia itself.”
Leaning in as if to pass on a secret, he continues.
“But that’s it! Despite our complete differences, when the going gets tough we set aside our differences. When it came time to see, time to learn, I crossed the bridges of differences to not see just myself succeed, but us together as a whole.”
He leans back, giving space to the ominous Calypso.
“And where we can embrace our differences, we succeed. We are not bound by curiosity that would set us down the path to defeat. Our choices make the difference, and not wasting the time of getting lost and finding trouble.”
He stands up, and gives a friendly nod as he leaves the file sitting on the table.
“So as the other side of the same coin, feel free to keep the file. Anything that can help us win together is alright in my book.”
And with that he gets up from his chair, marching back out into the unknown beyond the fortune telling tent.