Two millennia ago, the human world was invaded by the underworld. Led by the dark lord Mundus Khan, the evil forces of Hell laid waste to Arcadia, seeking utter domination over the realm above. However, the human resistance was led not by a mortal, but by one of Mundus’s own… The Legendary Dark Knight, Sparda.
Defeated, Mundus Khan was sealed away for two thousand years. With the barrier separating the worlds weakened, the Raja Roadman is once again waging war on the world above. Now, it falls to the human daughter of Sparda to pick up her father’s mantle…
And whoop that little bitch.
“The tragedy of power is that those willing to do what it takes to acquire it are the same people who should not be trusted with it. Power comes in many forms – physical strength, magic, an influencing tongue, money… The source of power, however is never as important as how the power is used.
“You have used your power only to acquire further power. For people like you, the word ‘enough’ simply does not exist in your lexicon. The only thing that can stop you… Is someone with more power. You have your Baharaat base, your staging post, your forward offensive line on Mallet Island, and I have been summoned to cut the roots of the Qliphoth before it can bear its demonic fruit.
“You have your Marionettes, the regular people of Bahaarat, dancing on strings of hope, fear and dependency, shambling along to do your bidding. You have your thugs, the Sin Scissors and Death Scythes to strike down dissent. You even have your own generals, the Phantoms, the Griffins… Because deep down, you are inadequate. You are weak. You hide behind others because you are incapable of manifesting your own decadent dreams yourself, placing a buffer between yourself and those you wish to dominate.
“I know the sway you can hold over people. Why, you could even cause a brother to fight against their own kin, clad in the armour of your corruption, such is the shadow you cast over the minds of the once-innocent. However, I am one thing you are not. I am a person of action. I have the blood of demons pumping through a human heart, I am the best of both worlds and I am coming for you.
“So when your henchmen start to fall, when your island – and your plans – start to cave in on themselves, I will find you in the sewers you retreat to like the vermin you are… And you will beg for mercy. You will bargain. You will employ every tactic you can to find that last bit of power, that last bit of influence to save your own life, to not spend the next 2000 years wallowing in your own filth. You will prove that even Devils may cry. But you know what? Daredevils never cry.
“Jackpot, fucknugget.”